• The worst thing.. It needs dilution in a liquid element and you have to drop 20 drops 1-2 times a day!!! For us, who had a few colicky baby, it didn't improve his condition, on the contrary, it negatively affected him I would say. I do not recommend it for breastfeeding mothers under any circumstances...

    • Effectiveness
    • I would not buy it again
  • Strataderm Scar Therapy Gel Silicone 10gr

    1 out of 2 members found this review helpful
    Verified purchase

    Wound healing cream. It was recommended to me by my gynecologist after a cesarean section. The truth is that it has greatly improved the texture and appearance of the incision, and I have been using it for a month now.

    • Effectiveness
    • I would buy it again
  • Μεγαλύτερο από ότι υπολόγιζα. Είναι σκληρό ύφασμα με ωραία χερούλια. Οπτικά φαίνεται ποιοτικό και ανθεκτικό ωστόσο, θα δείξει ο χρόνος...

  • It comes as a roll in a plastic medical bag. However, quality-wise it is not the cotton that someone buys from a supermarket. Its quality is average. As soon as it gets wet and squeezed, it starts to release fibers. Also, it is not immediately absorbent. It needs to be wet well or you have to wait for the first drops to be absorbed. For its price, it is good. However, for the use we wanted it for (cleaning baby from dirt), it is good beyond the fact that it may leave cotton fibers on the skin.

    • Packaging
    • Does it have a relatively soft surface?
    • Value for money
    • Does it fray easily?
  • The machine is not satisfactory. It does not heat the entire bottle, only the part of the bottle that is inside the warmer, so sterilization is not complete. Additionally, the 10-15 minutes it claims for sterilization are not sufficient. It is supposed to be impossible to touch the bottle at the 100-degree sterilization temperature, but this is not true. It is slightly warm. It is aesthetically pleasing in terms of construction, but in terms of practicality, it is lacking.

    • Easy to use
    • Durability
    • Does not heat the milk to the desired temperature
    • Speed of warming milk
    • Value for money
  • Epsilon Health Effecol 3350 18 sachets

    2 out of 2 members found this review helpful
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    Θα το ξαναγοραζα γιατί με βοήθησε πολύ με την δυσκοιλιότητα της εγκυμοσύνης. Βέβαια συνιστάται διπλή δόση για να λειτουργήσει στην εγκυμοσύνη...

    • Effectiveness
    • I would buy it again
  • Wonderful taste without too much sugar. With whole peanuts

  • Hinged Window W30xH30cm

    1 out of 6 members found this review helpful
    Verified purchase

    Very small and I would not characterize it as sturdy construction.

  • Fossil Vero Riverstone Countertop Sink Stone 60x50x15cm Black

    14 out of 20 members found this review helpful
    Verified purchase

    The morphology of it was oval-shaped, so we chose the smallest size of 50*50 which we ended up liking more. Excellent quality in any case. Sturdy and very well crafted and polished. Definitely worth the money.

    The negative aspect, and hence the rating, is that the siphon and the sink plug are not included, resulting in us having to go through the trouble of obtaining them, at least the plug, which should have its own.

  • Το γάλα χρησιμοποιήθηκε σε Παρασκευή γλυκού και ήταν μια χαρα. Ωστόσο, παρήγγειλα τρία τεμάχια τον 3/22 και είχα ζητήσει να έχουν μακρινή ημερομηνία. Τα δύο τεμάχια τα χρησιμοποίησα όταν τα παρέλαβα και δε θυμάμαι να έληγαν εκείνο το μηνα. Γνωρίζοντας ότι τα γάλατα αμυγδάλου έχουν μακρινή ημερομηνία, εγώ δε κοίταξα το τρίτο τεμαχιο και το αποθήκευσα, με αποτέλεσμα αυτή τη στιγμή που θέλω να φτιάξω κάτι κοιτάζοντας την ημερομηνία, συνειδητοποιώ οτι πρέπει να πετάξω μια κλειστή συσκευασία καθότι έληξε τον 3/22.