Beautiful bag but poor construction. The shoulder straps are sewn at the same point as the handle, resulting in it tearing at this point within a few months. Also, the mesh of the water bottle pocket tore within a very short time. It really impressed me though because bags from this particular company are usually great.
They gave them to us at a children's party. Very well-packaged, the sticks inside a plastic cylinder so they don't break, you can connect them together, and they lasted almost 24 hours. They were quite bright until the next afternoon. Truly flawless!!! The only thing that "bothered" me was that the color inside was random, but honestly, it's a minor detail.
Stiebel Eltron PEY Wall Mounted Electric Three-Phase Instant Water Heater for Central Installation 24kW
at 2021-01-09Verified purchaseVery big difference from the one I had. As soon as I open the faucet, I have hot water with a stable temperature. I know that I will go under it and it will not suddenly freeze. I won't be begging it to warm up again when I close the faucet and open it again while waiting with soap in my eye. I highly recommend it!
- Construction quality
- Water heating speed
- Hot water temperature
- Quiet
- Value for money
Το πήρα πέρσι για τον γιο μου. Πάρα πολύ ευχαριστημένη. Πολύ καλή ποιότητα, στεγανό κ εύκολο στο καθάρισμα. Πήρα κ δεύτερο φέτος για τον μικρό. Συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα!
Westinghouse Turbo II 30" 78673 Ceiling Fan 76cm with Light Multicolour
at 2018-09-03Verified purchaseIt is just what you need for a small room. Although the floor fan I have in the bedroom is more powerful. In very high temperatures, it doesn't help much without air conditioning. But I think this applies to all fans. Its only drawbacks are that its cords are very short and need an extension, and that the button for changing between cold/hot is on the base and requires a ladder to reach it, and the adjustment is not visible. It's better to get a remote control for convenience.
- Relatively quiet
- Construction quality
- Stability
- Value for money
- Power
πολυ ομορφο, αλλα καθολου βολικο. Και δυστυχως το ενα απο τα δυο ηταν και ελλατωματικο. Δεν εμεινα καθολου ευχαριστημενη
- Graphics
- Gameplay
- Longevity
- Single Player
- Sound
- System requirements
- Value for money
Chicco Safety Gates In White Colour 1pcs
at 2016-12-09Verified purchaseΠολυ καλο. Πολυ ευκολη τοποθετηση, με δυνατοτητα να μπει και σφηνωτο και βιδωτο, αρκετα σταθερο, και το μονο με τοσο μεγαλη επεκταση. Επισεις ακομα και να ανακαλυψει ο μικρος πως ανοιγει, δεν μπορει να πιασει και τα δυο κουμπια ταυτοχρονα με τα μικρα χερακια του, επιπλεον τα κουμπια ειναι αρκετα σκληρα και θελει πιεση, πολυ δυσκολο δηλαδη για μικρα παιδακια. Το μονο παραπονο ειναι οτι εαν το αφησεις να κλεισει μονο του κανει αρκετο θορυβο.
Chicco 2 in 1 Shampoo & Shower Gel 500ml with Pump
at 2015-05-10It smells wonderful and very practical with the pump
Chicco Electric Baby Sterilizer for Baby Bottles 67289-01 67289-02
at 2015-05-10Ευκολο πολυ στην χρηση, καθαριζει πολυ ευκολα, αποστειρωνει πολυ γρηγορα. Το μονο θεματακι που ειχα που πιθανοτατα να ειναι και μονο στο κεφαλι μου, ειναι οτι το καπακι δεν κλεινει καλα παντα και οταν καταφερεις να το κλεισεις "καλα" παλι μοιαζει σαν να μην εχει κλεισει. θα προτιμουσα να εκανε καποιο "κλικ" να ειμαι πιο σιγουρη
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