• Daiwa Rx Lure Game Fishing Rod for Spinning 2.70m 10-35gr

    2 out of 2 members found this review helpful

    For someone who is getting into spinning technique, it is very good. I have tried lures from 15g to 30g. It handles them very well. From artificial minnows to pencils, use whatever you want. It handles them equally well. I have tried from 14g to 32g. There are definitely much better rods out there, but also more expensive ones. For its price, it is very reliable.

    • Weight
    • Construction quality
    • Handle
    • Easy to Operate
    • Value for money
  • Coming from a 350€ AGV helmet. Guys, this helmet is amazing. Perfect fit on the head, excellent visibility, super lightweight since I got the Small size (1250gr), and beautiful. I got the Arcane TC10. You can immediately feel the quality. CRAZY GOOD!!!!!

    As for the negatives, it produces a bit of noise, but not annoyingly so, and it's nothing compared to the AGV I had. It's actually much quieter than the AGV. I also added a communication system on it and everything is working fine.

    Owner of a Fazer 600.

    • Application
    • Ventilation
    • Construction quality
    • Visibility
    • Weight
    • Value for money
    • Moderate aerodynamic noise
  • Το έχω δυο χρόνια. Είναι πολύ όμορφο και διακριτικό,πας για καφέ άνετα. Δεν φαίνεται ότι είναι για μηχανή,δεν έχω κάποιο παράπονο και δεν μου έχει γλιστρήσει ποτέ όταν πατάω το πόδι κάτω. Ούτως ή άλλως όταν βρέχει και είναι βρεγμένος ο δρόμος θέλει μια έξτρα προσοχή ότι και να φοράς.
    Κάτοχος Fazer 600.

  • I have it for about 2 years. I would advise staying away from this one because no matter how careful you are, the 'ears' under the key will break and won't attach if 2 out of 4 break, which happens easily. Not to mention they come off while you're playing. 1 star here!!!
    As for the key response, it is immediate and takes the command with thought. For a mechanical keyboard, it is quiet. 5 stars here.
    Do I recommend it? No guys, at some point you will remove the keys for cleaning and half of the 'ears' will break. A shame from God.

    • Key feel
    • Cable length
    • Response time
    • Cleaning
    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
  • Dainese Air Flux D1 Tex Men's Motorcycle Jacket 4 Seasons Black/High Rise

    13 out of 14 members found this review helpful

    I was torn between this and the Revit torque camo since they were the same price. I tried both in the store. The Revit looked nicer to me, but even though it was the right size, it felt loose on me and I immediately thought that it would flap around like a kite on long rides.

    Later, I tried the Dainese. I picked it up and immediately noticed how lightweight it was compared to the Revit. I tried it on and the fit was perfect. I am 1.82 meters tall and weigh 106 kilograms. The elbow and shoulder protection felt amazing. The elbow protection even reaches just before the wrist! You can't even feel them from the inside. It should be noted that the back protection is bought separately (cost me an extra 60 euros). After adding the extra, the feeling was just incredible. It fit perfectly.

    On the road now, it's great as you ride. You can feel the air passing through and cooling your chest, stomach, and arms. If you stop, you immediately feel the heat of the sun. It's definitely not short-sleeved, but it's nothing like a winter jacket either. As soon as you start riding, you feel refreshed.

    I chose the light-colored one over the black for obvious reasons, even if it means giving it an extra wash in the washing machine.

  • Το μονο παραπανο που έχω είναι ότι το 1 fan ξεκίνησε να κάνει έναν θόρυβο.
    Έχει μπει επάνω σε έναν AMD FX8350 Και κρατα τις θερμοκρασίες χαμηλά .Κανει την δουλειά που υπόσχεται.
    Αν την συστήνω; Ναι,πάρτε την άνετα

    • Effective cooling
    • Installation
    • Refrigerator volume
    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
    • Moderate noise
  • HyperX Cloud II Over Ear Gaming Headset with Connection USB / 2x3.5mm

    3 out of 6 members found this review helpful

    Owner for about 9 months. I bought them eagerly, went home, opened my PC, put on a song on YouTube and... I almost cried for the money I spent. The sound was normal, even more normal than you could imagine. I expected crazy intensity and quality based on the reviews here.

    To cut it short, due to their high resistance of 60ohm, they NEED amplification. You need a sound card or a program like PC Equalizer that has a preamp. Once I installed the program and increased the preamp, and tried a YouTube song, it was a whole new world... Crazy intensity, zero distortion. And of course, quality. Definitely 50% more intensity than normal.

    The 7.1 never worked for me and I always have it turned off. They are incredibly comfortable, never tire me out and I wear glasses. I definitely recommend them, but only with amplification.

    • Sound quality
    • Bass
    • Noise isolation
    • Comfort
    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
    • Microphone Quality
  • Tesla WYE 200W Full Black

    1 out of 2 members found this review helpful

    Πολύ καλό για τα λεφτά του.Ελαφρύ και όμορφο.
    Αλλά...... έμενα χάλασε η οθόνη απο υπερχειλισεις των ατμοποιητών που έχω (στους 4 μήνες) και το δουλευω χωρίς οθόνη.Οποτε αν έχετε ατμοποιητές που υπερχειλίζουν,μακρυα απο αυτό το mod.Ειναι καθαρά θέμα χρόνου να τα φτύσει η οθόνη ή και να καεί η πλακέτα.
    Το πήγα και καλά μέσω εγγυήσης για φτιάξιμο αλλά η εγγυηση ΔΕΝ καλύπτει υπερχείλιση-υγρά μέσα στο mod.

    • Weight
    • Construction quality
    • Small size
    • Value for money
  • Το κουτί είναι πραγματικά πανέμορφο.Έχει άνετους χώρους(έχω την Gigabyte GTX 1060 6gb),ωραίο cable management(δεν με δυσκόλεψε πουθενά).Θα πρότεινα να βάζατε υδρόψυξη στο πάνω μέρος ή μπροστά γιατί το μπροστινό καπάκι έχει μόνο μια μικρή εσοχή για αέρα στο κάτω μέρος και το airflow είναι μέτριο(και άλλα επώνυμα και ακριβά κουτιά έχουν αυτό το πρόβλημα).Χωρίς υδρόψυξη είδα 4-5 βαθμούς παραπάνω σε σχέση με ένα παμπάλαιο κουτί που είχα.
    Τελικό απότελεσμα,με αυτό το φιμέ tempered glass,χαίρεσαι να το κοιτάς για ώρα.(Σε τελική ανάλυση να παίρνεται αυτό που όντως πραγματικά σας αρέσει).

    ΘΕΤΙΚΑ: -Cable management με αρκέτα ανοίγματα οδήγησης καλωδίων
    -RGB lighting with led controller
    -PSU shroud,καλύπτει πολλά καλώδια :D
    -Mαγνητικό φίλτρο στην κορυφή.
    -Full face Temperered glass,δείχνει πολύ ωραία στην εμφάνιση
    -Μεταλλικό μπροστινό panel

    AΡΝΗΤΙΚΑ: -Δεν έχει φίλτρο σκόνης μπροστά
    -Τα καλώδια των ανεμιστήρων είναι κοντά(μπορεί να χρειαστείτε επέκταση,μικρό το κακο)
    -Νo rubber grommets
    -Όχι και το καλύτερο airflow,γιατί το μπροστινό καπάκι έχει μόνο μια μικρή εσοχή για αερα και καθολου κενό στα πλαινά του
    -Το led strip είναι επάνω και όχι κάτω όπως στην φωτογραφία.Αλλάζεις θέση σε 3 λεπτά.

    Σαν κουτί το προτείνω ανεπιφύλακτα.Κοιτάει στα μάτια τον ανταγωνισμό του.

    • Space
    • Cable management
    • Construction quality
    • Silent
    • Value for money
    • Dust filtering
    • Air flow