• Purchase for use in a mountain village, where the nearest antenna is 30 kilometers away (thankfully with a line of sight). It works excellently! Previously, we used our mobile phones as hotspots, and we had frequent disconnections and speeds around 10/1mbps. Now, we consistently get 30/15mbps, which is the worst-case scenario, and several times we see speeds close to 50, or even 70 mbps.

    Additionally, a pleasant surprise was the latency. It is quite stable, and we managed to play Rocket League with 80ms ping on European servers, with minimal fluctuations (for 1-2 seconds every 15 minutes of gameplay). I never expected to play online games in my village where I barely had internet.

    Another note worth mentioning is that while the distance to the antenna is 30 kilometers, most of that distance is over the sea, which I have heard helps maintain the signal.

    - Some tips that might help -

    1) After you do the first firmware update of the device, the new version has a feature that automatically activates called "get network apn." This essentially asks the network to provide the apn name; however (at least Cosmote), it did not provide the correct one, resulting in the internet stopping working. It took me hours to figure out that this was the issue because I was correctly declaring the "internet" apn in the settings, which was being overwritten by this new feature. Just uncheck it, and set the apn manually, and it will work.

    2) Play with the available bands of the LTE interface. For example, I found that on the antenna I connect to, if I only use band 7, I get around 50 mbps, while if I use band 1, I get at most 10mbps. Take this information with caution, as I am not an expert and may not know what I am doing, and the results may have been random.

    In conclusion, I highly recommend it. It does its job exactly as described.

    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
  • Really perfect application, as if it came straight from the factory.

    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
    • Assembly
    • Seat Comfort
    • Cool
    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
  • Ίσως το καλύτερο ποντίκι όλων των εποχών

    • Comfort
    • Precision
    • Silent
    • Durability
    • Ideal weight
    • Value for money
    • Solubility
    • Taste
    • Value for money
  • Όμορφο πληκτρολόγιο, στιβαρή κατασκευή, και καλό συνοδευτικό software με πολλές επιλογές χρωματισμών.

    Ωστόσο... δεν ξέρω αν πέτυχα διπλό τζακ ποτ αλλά πέρασαν 2 πληκτρολόγια από τα χέρια μου και τα δύο είχαν πρόβλημα με τα leds. Το πρώτο αγορασμένο από Γερμανία, είχε σοβαρό πρόβλημα με τα 5-6 πλήκτρα που έδειχναν λάθος χρώματα, και όταν είχα το εφέ του κύματος χρωμάτων, τρεμόπαιζαν άσχετα χρώματα από αυτό που έδειχναν τα γειτονικά τους πλήκτρα. Το δεύτερο, αγορασμένο από Ελληνικό κατάστημα, όταν η φωτεινότητα μερικών πλήκτρων ήταν κάτω από 30%, εξέπεμπαν σταθερά ένα κόκκινο χρώμα, ακόμη κι αν έκλεινα τελείως τα leds (Σε αυτή την εικόνα τα leds υποτίθεται ότι είναι τελείως απενεργοποιημένα: http://imgur.com/a/IuAzF ).

    Και τα δύο επιστράφηκαν καθώς ήταν μέσα στην εγγύηση και προχώρησα στην αγορά πληκτρολογίου άλλης εταιρείας.

    Του δίνω 3 αστέρια, καθώς πιστεύω ότι σαν πληκτρολόγιο αν δεν είχε το πρόβλημα με τα leds θα ήταν εξαιρετικό, και ότι ίσως εγώ να ήμουν άτυχος.