I will simply say not to expect much from a speaker that costs 15-20€.
Are there better ones at this price? Yes. That's why it gets 3 stars.
Is it terrible for its price? No...
It's a cheap Chinese speaker that you buy from a street vendor on the corner... Maybe slightly better than that. Essentially, it is the cheapest speaker that a company dares to put its brand on.
I'm too lazy to analyze the quality, others have done that.
For its price, it's okay. If you like its unique appearance, it's a nice choice.- Weight
- Connectivity
- Volume
- Construction quality
- Value for money
- Sound quality
- Bass
Heavy, stiff, and the sole is terrible... Overall uncomfortable and strange shoes, I feel like I'm walking with heavy uncomfortable flip-flops that don't allow me to walk long distances...
Let it... It looks nice supposedly, but as soon as you put it on your foot, you regret it...- Durability
- Comfort
- Material quality
- Value for money
- Weight
About 10€.
For a 10" LCD tablet for notes. And you think, okay, I'll give 5€ from China and it will take 1 month to arrive, let's get it from here...
The LCD panel is ready to detach from the plastic frame. It was all "bumpy" and detached, and practically you can hold it and detach it completely if you want. The writing is very faint... it's not clear unless you press it hard enough...
And of course, I also bought one for 5€ from China.
The Chinese one is correct in terms of quality. Nothing stands out, nothing detaches and the lines are much more visible.
It's a simple product... I don't understand how we can sell such lower quality in Greece... It's a shame, but stay away from this one...- Is the product lightweight?
- The product did not have very easy handling
- Screen lighting
- Quality
- Value for money
Linsoul In Ear Earphones KZ X Crinacle CRN (ZEX Pro) Black
at 2023-03-23Λοιπόν... Στο Σκρουτζ δεν υπάρχουν atm. Και όταν υπήρχαν στοίχιζαν 50€. Για αυτούς που ξέρουν περί τίνος πρόκειται με τα συγκεκριμένα η φράση "30 dollars" ίσως τους ξυπνήσει αναμνήσεις του Crinacle να τρολάρει. Anyways.
Τα ακουστικά είναι ακουστικά των ~30€ κι αν ψάξετε ελάχιστα, θα τα βρείτε σε αυτό το εύρος τιμών, απλά ίσως όχι Ελλάδα (χωρίς αυτό να επηρεάζει την τελική τιμή καθώς τα μεταφορικά είναι συνήθως δωρεάν).Ο ήχος είναι αυτό που θα περίμενες από ένα ζευγάρι tuned to hit the Harman target.
Έχουν ωραίο ισορροπημένο ήχο. Αρκετά καλό speration και συμπαθητικό soundstage.
Για τα 30€ είναι απίστευτα.Είναι για όλους;
Ξέρω γω... Είναι για όλους το Harman target; Some people like it some people don't...
Κατά την γνώμη μου κατά μέσο όρο και λαμβάνοντας υπόψιν τον μέσο καταναλωτή κι όχι το audiophile κοινό, αυτού του τύπου ο ήχος θα αφήσει μερικές ανεκπλήρωτες επιθυμίες...
Δεν είναι όλα τα κόμματα εκεί έξω έτοιμα να παίξουν σε ένα ισορροπημένο σύστημα ήχου. Βασικά τουλάχιστον τα μισά δεν είναι... Βάλε μέσα ότι ακούμε από YouTube πόσοι άνθρωποι συμπιεσμένα αρχεία...Για casuals listeners, πιστεύω ότι τα KZ ZEX (όχι τα PRO) is a safer bet. Και για bass heads, well... ας χρησιμοποιήσουν EQ -_- Μην θέλετε ακουστικά με το bass range 21db πάνω τρελά καθάρματα ο_Ο
Αυτά για τον ήχοοο.... Ωραιιιααα...
Αχ...Εμ: Επειδή τι να πω τώρα κι εγώ
Ουφ: Επειδή δεν το πιστεύω ότι είναι τόσο "ιδιαίτερα" (με την κακή έννοια) στην άνεση...
Αχ: Επειδή αν ήταν λίγο μόνο πιο mainstream σχεδιαστικά, θα ήταν απόλυτα στην άνεση...Let me explain:
Η KZ αποφάσισε να φτιάξει ένα σώμα που θα εφαρμόζει στις καμπύλες του αυτιού. Όχι απλά στο γενικό σχήμα, στις καμπύλες Ο_Ο.
Το αποτέλεσμα ιδανικά είναι να έχεις perfect fit και τα ακουστικά να μην φεύγουν από τα αυτιά σου. Υποτίθεται πως θα τα νιώθεις επέκταση του αυτιού σου...
Το θέμα όμως είναι ότι δεν έχουμε όλοι τα ίδια αυτιά damn it xD
Αν πας να αγοράζεις ακουστικά ακοής (αν έχεις θέμα όπως ένας νεαρός συγγενής μου), σου μετράνε το αυτί, και σου δίνουν είτε ένα νούμερο/μοντέλο που σου ταιριάζει είτε ακόμα και φτιάχνουν κάτι νέο. Αυτό είναι η λεγόμενη "εξειδικευμένη περίπτωση". Μπορείς να έχεις κάτι τέτοιο σε ένα εμπορικό προϊόν; Φυσικά και όχι.
Η KZ πήγε προς τα εκεί με αυτό το προϊόν και φυσικά αποτυχαίνει.
Εμένα προσωπικά με ενοχλούν κάμποσο. Ίσως τα συνηθίσω σε λίγο καιρό. Η τρελή τους τιμή εξισορροπεί την μεσαία άνεση τους για εμένα. (Βάζω μέσα και το νέο καλώδιο της KZ που είναι... ωραίο :) Δεν είναι καμιά τρελή ποιότητα, αλλά καλή υφή έχει, κάνει την δουλειά του ΚΑΙ δεν μπερδεύεται!! Σε αντίθεση με το προηγούμενο ή φθηνότερο καλώδιο της εταιρείας που ήταν style πλεξούδα και είχε λίγο θεματάκι σε αυτό).
Τι γίνεται όμως για άτομα με μικρότερες διαστάσεις αυτιού; Δεν θα χωράνε :D
Ξεκάθαρα...UPDATE για την άνεση: Οι πρώτες 2 μέρες ήταν λίγο ανυπόφορες... Ένιωθα πόνο (οξύ πόνο even) όταν τα ακουστικά κάθονταν σε ελάχιστα λάθος γωνία. Τα έκανα re adjust και δεν πονούσα, αλλά με ενοχλούσαν αρκετά...
Είπα να μπω σε psycho masochist mode και να συνεχίσω να τα φοράω για να δω αν θα αλλάξει κάτι...
Με μεγάλη ευχαρίστηση μετά από 2 ημέρες διαπίστωσα ότι τα ακουστικά πλέον δεν με ενοχλούσαν. Έβγαζα 8 ώρες με αυτά στα αυτιά χωρίς ουσιαστική ενόχληση. Μάλλον τα αυτιά μου αποδέχτηκαν τις νέες περιστάσεις τους και σταμάτησαν να αντιστέκονται xD
Ακόμα νιώθεις ότι κάτι έχει κάνει κεφαλοκλείδωμα στα αυτιά σου, αλλά οκ. Δεν πονάει, δεν ενοχλεί σχεδόν καθόλου, ο ήχος αποζημιώνει. Υποθέτω/ελπίζω μετά από λίγες ακόμα μέρες τα αυτιά μου θα τα αποδεχτούν πλήρως.Συμπεράσματα:
1. Μην τα αγοράσετε για 50€.
2. Σκεφτείτε τι θα ακούτε με αυτά
3. Η άνεση είναι αμφίβολη- Sound
- Construction quality
- Weight
- Durability
- Value for money
- Application
- Comfort
Matched with the appropriate casual shoe, it is a perfectly decent belt. For this price, I wouldn't say you can find something better in terms of quality (at least definitely not at Scroutz), so I suppose you should prefer it.
- Construction quality
- Value for money
- Fastening/Unfastening
- Latch stability
- Buttonholes
- Is it the expected size?
Magnetic Textured/Smooth Coated Flexible Steel Plate 235x235mm - Double Sided
at 2022-11-10Experience: Essentially new to the world of 3D printing.
Printer: Creality Ender 5 ProMy printer came with a nice magnetic base made of elastic material. Yes, a very nice base. For the first 10 prints...
Some issues with the original base:
1. After each print, a "whitish" discoloration was left on the base where the piece was placed. It wouldn't bother me at all if it didn't cause problems elsewhere, but these "whitish" marks transferred to the next printed pieces as slight changes in the texture of the new surfaces.
2. Unfortunately, like most people, I bought a printer that doesn't have a completely level print bed... The result is that bed leveling is a torture (I haven't installed bltouch yet) and since the print bed was made of elastic material, the printing surface would take on the non-level shape of the print bed... So, large pieces usually wouldn't stick to the base and chaos would ensue...
3. Very small pieces with low height wouldn't detach easily... You had to go with the tip of the spatula to the corner and try to remove it without scratching the elastic base...Due to the non-level print bed, I decided to switch to a glass print surface... I had in mind that objects wouldn't stick easily and I would have to use glue...
I decided not to simply get a piece of tempered glass and instead got the official one from Creality, which was slightly textured to better hold what is being printed.
Nightmare... Nothing would stick unless you did a perfect bed leveling below 0.2mm (the paper almost had to be crushed, not just scratched...).
And when I finally managed to do the ultimate bed leveling, the pieces would stick much more than I would like... They wouldn't come off... At all...
But waiting for the glass to cool down. But taking the base and pouring water. But pouring water and alcohol... Meanwhile, it wasn't regular glass that you could take the spatula and pull it to detach it. It had the textured coating that would scratch and leave imperfections on the next prints... Meanwhile, those 4 little clips that you had to put/remove each time... Ugh... Very bad... One of the most wasted 20€ I spent... Maybe a simple piece of tempered glass would work better... One fine day when the printer decided to ignore the defined home, it started printing a millimeter lower than it should... It scratched the coating on the glass and since then the base is useless as it leaves imperfections on the next prints... (and it was useless anyway...)Which brings us to today and to this print bed.
I'm using the textured side. (Maybe I'll also use the Smooth side, but I'm a bit afraid of damaging it. It seems that the construction of the smooth side is more plastic-like and if something goes wrong and the nozzle sinks into the surface, it will probably damage it...)Let's first address the main problem of my printer: Non-level print bed. I planned to put this base on top of the glass to make it completely level. IT WAS NOT NECESSARY! Despite my print bed having a significant issue, this particular base doesn't seem to mind much, and I ended up with a satisfactorily level surface, which I'm happy about.
How I installed it: I didn't use the included magnet. I simply took the base and placed it on the magnet of the Ender 5 Pro. It stays firmly there without any issues. There are no shift layers or any such problem, the base is stable.
How well does it adhere what you print? If you don't do a good bed leveling, it doesn't adhere... If you do proper bed leveling, it adheres quite well. The truth is that the initial elastic base was much more tolerant/forgiving with small errors in bed leveling. It adhered much better. Good for some prints, bad for others. This metal base is for slightly more experienced users in bed leveling, and in return, you have what you need...
How easily do the prints come off? Very easily! If it's a large piece, it takes a little effort to bend it and it comes off. If it's small, you push a little with your nail or something and it comes off. Actually, if the base cools down a bit, everything comes off on its own and you don't struggle at all...
What about the white marks and blemishes? Even the Creality glass had a bit of this issue before it got scratched and became completely useless. Well, in this metal base, the problem has been eliminated! No marks, no issues!!!
What prompted me to write the review while I've had the base for months? I didn't intend to bother. I was lazy... But something shocking happened the day before yesterday...
The shocking thing is that the printer decided once again to ignore the defined coordinates of the home as well as the Z stop switch and decided to raise the base higher during a print... I had started the print remotely with anydesk and I was watching with a camera what was happening... I noticed that the first layer wasn't going very well and I stopped the print... Sure enough... The nozzle of the printer was dragging on the base...
I got a little annoyed... I thought, well, there go those 30€... I'll have to buy a new base...
I went home and went to see what happened...
With my nail, I removed the first layer. Clean and flawless underneath?!?! Wait what?
I removed anything else from the periphery (skirt) of the print that I could. It seemed like I had hope...
I started a print with the same thing that I had tried to print (after readjusting the Z Axis height). I let it print for 7-8 layers and then stopped the print. I removed whatever was printed. The new print merged with the previous residue and when removing it, all the residue was removed. The base is still new even after the accident!!!
For me, this was a huge deal! (Let me remind you that I use the textured surface, I don't know if I will have such durability with the smooth one).
I am honestly speechless! For the money I paid (23€), I never expected something like this. Comparing this base with the competition, whether it's metal, glass, or elastic bases, I don't think I can get anything significantly better.
Maybe a significantly more expensive metal base might have slightly better adhesion on the parts, although this one is not bad at all. Also, the textured surface is a little more textured than I would like. I would prefer the texture to be a bit smoother.
However, these last two things don't take away anything from the A+ that this base deserves. Buy it without fear!
As long as you do proper bed leveling, your soul will thank you!!!- Construction quality
- Value for money
Observation Binocular Night Vision 16x52
at 2022-09-06Verified purchaseMany words are poverty...
Its actual magnification is 8x and not 16x.
The field of view is quite limited.
The optical elements are of low quality, resulting in blurry imaging at the edges and clear only in the center. (Basically, there is a different focal point in the center compared to the edges of the lens).Comparison with €15 binoculars:
The binoculars are much more comfortable, there is an excessive difference... The monocular tires immediately... And this monocular even more than I expected. It's okay for fooling around. If you want to say that you will use it for something, get binoculars...
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