• Sony PlayStation Plus Prepaid Card with Time Credit for 365 days

    34 out of 35 members found this review helpful

    At first, it's annoying to be told that you have to pay to play online. But here comes the "but." The free games they give throughout the year, some you wouldn't even download, some are amazing games. Last year, they gave Bioshock collection, Uncharted Collection + 4, 2K20, Tomb Raider, Star Wars Battlefront, Call Of Duty WWII, and many others. Just the fact that they give you the opportunity to play for free some games that would cost you around 100 euros is worth it.

    The cloud they provide is very important, as well as the extra discounts on the PS Store.

    Tip: The annual subscription is available at least twice a year for 45 euros, so buy it then. Even if you think about it, it doesn't even cost 4 euros per month.

  • Grand Theft Auto V Premium Edition PS4 Game

    13 out of 13 members found this review helpful

    I played it again after 4 years, it's extreme that it's a game from '13. In terms of graphics, gameplay, what can you say first. It's not random that it still sells like crazy, nor that it's the most must-have game for the PS4, as both the experienced and the inexperienced can easily play it.

    Don't take hate comments into consideration. You don't need money in single player to progress. As for its online mode, besides the battle royale, where else can you play for free without ps plus? Nowhere.

    • Graphics
    • Gameplay
    • Longevity
    • Multiplayer
    • Single Player
    • Sound
    • Value for money
  • Far Cry 3 Classic Edition PS4 Game

    11 out of 13 members found this review helpful

    Putting aside that it is an 8-year-old game from the previous generation, that it cost me 3 euros, and that I spent 30-40 very enjoyable hours playing it, while it also had a very nice story, there is no discussion, it is worth it a thousand times. Here, many consider it a better game than the ones that were released afterwards.

    • Graphics
    • Gameplay
    • Longevity
    • Single Player
    • Sound
    • Value for money
  • eFootball PES 2021 PS4 Game

    5 out of 7 members found this review helpful

    Όταν σου λένε στα ίσα ότι είναι season update και έχει αρχική τιμή στα 30 (πήρα team edition λόγω myclub) τότε τα λεφτά του τα αξίζει σίγουρα. Το Fifa που έκανε ακριβώς το ίδιο ξεκινάει από 70. Από κει και περα, έχει γίνει αρκετά πιο smooth το gameplay, η άμυνα ανταποκρίνεται πολύ καλύτερα και ελέγχεις τους αμυντικούς σε καλύψεις, μαρκαρίσματα και τοποθετήσεις πολύ καλύτερα από το Pes 20. Ακόμα και το ονλαιν, το μελανό σημείο αυτού του παιχνιδιού, που αν πετύχεις ακόμα και μέτρια προς καλή κίνηση υπάρχει μεγάλη χρονοκαθυστέρηση στις κινήσεις, έχει βελτιωθεί λίγο θα έλεγα.

    • Graphics
    • Gameplay
    • Longevity
    • Single Player
    • Sound
    • Value for money
    • Multiplayer
  • Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Hits Edition PS4 Game

    5 out of 5 members found this review helpful

    Αν σου άρεσαν τα 3 προηγούμενα, αυτό εδώ είναι μακράν ο καλύτερος τίτλος της σειράς. Γραφικά πολύ πιο βελτιωμένα από τους προηγούμενους remastered τίτλους, γενικά σε όλους τους υπόλοιπους μηχανισμούς είναι κλασσικό Uncharted. Επιτέλους το βγάλανε free game, θέλω να το ξαναπαίξω.

    Υ.Γ. Σε ένα σημείο, υπάρχει μια μικρή ευχάριστη έκπληξη στο παιχνίδι. Σκεφτείτε μόνο το εξης: Naughty Dog

    • Graphics
    • Gameplay
    • Longevity
    • Single Player
    • Sound
    • Value for money
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 PS4 Game

    7 out of 7 members found this review helpful

    One of the best games of all time and I'm not even kidding. It's unthinkable to have a PS4 and not have this game. I could write essays about it but it's not worth the effort, you just get it and get addicted.

    • Graphics
    • Gameplay
    • Longevity
    • Multiplayer
    • Single Player
    • Sound
    • Value for money