Capcom once again proves its ability to create AAA horror/action titles. After 2 walkthroughs and several hours in Mercenaries mode, I can say that I have seen most of what the game has to offer. I should mention that I am a big fan of the series, having played every game from the first to the last (except for Code Veronica), and I have noticed that it has taken the "good" elements from RE4, RE5, and RE7. I recommend that anyone who plays it should first watch the timeline story of the series or at least play RE4 and RE7, as it is a mix of both.
Starting with the positives:
+ The story overall is the continuation of RE7, without being anything crazy. It is well-crafted and keeps you engaged, making you want to play more. Knowing the background of Chris and Ethan, I am a bit disappointed that I feel like I have the "wimpy" character and every cutscene with Chris, I look at him as if I am his dog just listening and doing whatever he says. Unfortunately or fortunately, he doesn't have the dynamism of Chris, Leon, or Wesker, who are "symbols" of the series. In case there is a next game, I hope he doesn't have a leading role or at least has more dynamism...and of course, they show us his face (lame).
+ The other characters-villains are overly intriguing, just like in the previous game (Baker family). Their tone of voice, their presentation, their attitude, and the aura they exude in general make you love them.
+ As for the graphics, I have nothing to say. Playing on a Qled TV, your eyes will be amazed by what they have created. The detail in the polished wood of the drawers, the lighting, the faces of the monsters, and all the characters is next level. It is the third game (Horizon Zero Dawn and Ghost of Tsushima being the other two) where every time I changed areas, I opened the photo mode like an excited child... Whatever someone tells you, it's not enough. Also, I played with HDR + Ray Tracing on and I didn't notice any difference between the 45-60 fps that some people mentioned.
+ The gameplay is a combination of RE4 and RE7, something that I personally enjoyed. I would prefer it to be third person, but it would make it pseudo-creepy. The inventory system and the new merchant (Duke) are proof that Capcom pays attention to what the audience loves to see, and for that, I give them a big plus.
+ The sound is captivating with the 3D audio, making you shiver and look around every corner before moving forward.
+ A special plus for Lady Dimitrescu (you know why).
+ The haptic feedback of the DualSense controller is amazing and truly makes you feel immersed in the game. For example, you can feel the difference when you have the Shotgun or the Handgun, but I won't say more to avoid spoilers.
Now for the neutral points:
* As I mentioned before, I don't like Ethan as much as other characters. However, he didn't bother me much as a new character.
* The Mercenaries mode is very much in the style of RE4 and I prefer it (compared to RE5). They have added new touches and there are plenty of maps to play, but it didn't grab me enough to say that I will continue playing it. I would have liked them to add some other characters as well...
- The first negative point I could mention is that the game follows the same pattern throughout its duration. It doesn't have big moments as I expected, and the boss fights were relatively easy. I personally enjoyed the gameplay, but someone who doesn't like this style might not even touch it.
- I would like it to have more endgame content like the RE 2 remake, which had 4 additional (free) modes.
In conclusion, at 55€ it is a very good deal, considering that Returnal or Demon Souls cost 75€ on the first day of release, it is almost half the price, and I believe its replayability is much more worth it.
I hope I helped. Happy shopping!