"How does the personal life of historical protagonists influence their political actions, and conversely, how does public exposure affect their private lives? This is what the book you are holding in your hands explores. It is difficult to understand the decisions of a public figure without knowing their unspoken needs and traumas.
If you don't know what Belogiannis meant to Elli Pappa, how can you justify her decision to bear his child, even though she was married to another, imprisoned, and sentenced to death? How can you interpret Andreas Papandreou's destructive stance towards the Center Union if you don't know the abyss that separated him from his father? And why did Pavlos let Frederica become king from queen?
I chose to talk about couples because in love and cohabitation we are all exposed and naked, whole. Of course, I constantly heard the counter-argument in my ears: How can I guess the dynamics of a couple, how can I summarize their light and darkness? However, doubt did not stop me; it simply fueled the charm of the research. I dived headfirst into their lives and literally loved them, trying to see through their eyes. I didn't just want to rummage through their drawers; I wanted to understand the constraints society imposed on them at the time, to give flesh and bones to the paper figures of the headlines.
I chose the most influential couples, the most intense ones, to cover the history of Greece from 1821 to the junta. The men, due to the era, are protagonists, but the women in their lives are equally significant, burning figures.
I hope you enjoy this tightrope walk between history and literature as much as I did."
Lena Divani