Really, a huge thank you to the women with polycystic ovaries who left reviews for this supplement and convinced me to take it! It has saved me!
My background to provide a clearer picture of why I took it and how it helped me, in the hope of helping you too:
I am 34, I have slightly polycystic ovaries and I never had a regular period, but it wasn't something that (as far as I understood) bothered me particularly. Sometimes it came on time, other times with a delay of one, two, or even three weeks. Since I am one of the lucky ones who do not have severe pain during my period, I didn't have an issue with that.
My issue was that every time, a few days before my period, hormonal instabilities would appear, which I recognized by the onset of severe bloating, pimples mainly on my chin, and mood swings, primarily easy irritability.
I didn't pay much attention, as I thought it was "normal," but I ended up experiencing an extended period where I didn't feel well, despite taking antidepressants (Zoloft), and the mood swings reached a new level. From being fine one moment to crying uncontrollably and feeling hopeless the next.
A few months ago, it happened to be one of those times when my period was delayed by 17 days. Usually, I wouldn't pay attention, but I was very bloated and took Duphaston to bring it on faster, as a gynecologist had told me I could do (I had taken it only 2-3 times before). As soon as I took Duphaston, within two days my mood went from the depths to normal levels, and I felt immediately calm, which made me clearly understand that the whole mood issue was hormonal (mood disorders are related to polycystic ovaries).
So I started looking for what I could do to stabilize my hormones and found Myo-inositol, which was mentioned as the number one supplement that helps women with polycystic ovaries. I read the positive comments here as well and decided to give it a try.
Result: I've been taking it for three months and I haven't felt this steadily calm in years! I am truly shocked by the calmness I feel compared to the intense mood swings I had. The only day I feel a bit more down physically and psychologically is the day before my period arrives, and as soon as it comes, that feeling goes away. And my period during these months comes like clockwork every 27 days.
I have even started to reduce my antidepressant medication without seeing any change in this calmness, which probably means that the problem was indeed hormonal. So if you suffer from mood disorders that make your life and daily routine difficult, I wholeheartedly recommend it because it has truly changed my life!
I should note that I take one teaspoon a day (I mean that measuring spoon you will find inside the powder in the box), which is actually 1/8 of the recommended daily dose of 4 grams, and it has worked for me! You dissolve it in a little water and it has absolutely no taste. I, who can't stand powders and prefer pills, find this doesn't bother me at all; it's like drinking plain water. In the first few days of taking it, I had diarrhea, but then my body seemed to get used to it and now there is no such issue. Also, the amount of powder is so large that it seems to me it will last a year for the dose I take, so it is economical in the long run. But even for those who take 4 grams a day, the box lasts for 50 doses. I really don't understand why no gynecologist recommended it to me my whole life.
For those of you with polycystic ovary syndrome, just a note (I researched it thoroughly), metformin (Glucophage or Retaform - but it's better to consult a doctor for this, it was recommended to me) also helps with insulin resistance and metabolism, while important supplements for polycystic ovary syndrome are also Vitamin D, Omega-3, zinc, and magnesium. I have recently started taking, in addition to Myo-Inositol, the Multi-Guard from Lamberts which contains the above and many other helpful ingredients, as well as Mollers fish oil for Omega-3 (don't think that fish oil will taste like fish, it's capsules and even I, who am picky, don't taste anything).
In conclusion, I think that if someone is suffering from hormonal imbalances due to polycystic ovary syndrome, it is really worth trying, after all, it's a supplement, not a medication, and it has truly helped me like nothing else!