Βάθος Πεδίου, Texts and thoughts about photography and photographers
Πάνος Κασίμης
from11,34 € at 5 storesΚαλαβρία Μάνη Εγγύς Κόσμος
from21,60 € at 12 storesΡιζοσπαστικές πραγματικότητες, Photography as Political Practice - An Anthology of Essays
Julian Stallabrass
from16,10 € at 6 storesThe Photographer's Eye, Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos, 10th Anniversary
Michael Freeman
from30,80 € at 2 storesΚΡΗΤΗ ΤΗΣ ΚΑΡΔΙΑΣ ΜΑΣ
from27,20 € at 4 storesΚαρναβαλική Πάτρα, Photographic and historical album of the Patras Carnival
Παναγιώτης Ρηγόπουλος
from36,00 € at 3 storesΚαρναβαλική Πάτρα, Photographic and historical album of the Patras Carnival
Παναγιώτης Ρηγόπουλος
from36,00 € at 3 storesΕντός εκτός και επί τα Αυτά, Photographic Accessories. The Sequel
Άρις Γεωργίου
from12,32 € at 5 storesΗ Αρχαιολογία του Χτες, Ruined houses and estates of the Aegean
Γιώργος Κυριακόπουλος
from33,60 € at 4 storesThe Art of Wolfenstein, Youngblood
from9,75 € at 3 storesΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ 1980
from7,25 € at 5 stores