1. Raventhi Cut Root China 20 Gr
  2. Greek Cut Leaf Melissa 20 Gr
  3. Galega or Rosemary Herb Cut from Greece 30 Gr
  4. Scorpion Grass Plant Cut Algeria 20 Gr
  5. Berberis Root Cut European 30 Gr
  6. Panora Mullein 500gr
  7. Panora Chamomile 100gr
  8. Artemisia Absinthe Plant Cut 30 Gr
  9. Panora Lemon Beebrush 50gr
  10. Nettle Leaves Cut Greece 20 Gr
  11. Whole Mint Leaf Egypt 200 Gr
  12. Watos Leaf Commeno Ellada 30 Gr
  13. Chamomile Flower Greece 20 Gr
  14. Rose Petal Pink Stinking Extra Clean 30 Gr
  15. Verbasco Flomos Leaf Cut 30 Gr
  16. Synamic Indian leaf 50 Gr
  17. Elderberry Shampoo Elderberry Fruit Whole American 20 Gr
  18. Sunflower or Wild Rose Flowers Chile 20 Gr
  19. Flicker of a mat 20 Gr
  20. Lygia Carp 20 Gr
  21. Pentaneuro or Plantain Leaves Cut leaves of Greece 20 Gr
  22. Panora Passionflower / Damiana 500gr
  23. Panora Lemon Detox Herbs 30gr
  24. Passiflora Caerulea or Passiflora Caerulea Plant Cut Galilae 20 Gr
  25. Tilium Leaf-flower Greek 20 Gr
  26. Kratagos Plant Cut 20 Gr
  27. Equisetum or Horsetail Plant Cut 20 Gr
  28. Panora Willowherbs 500gr
  29. Panora Orange 500gr
  30. Panora Lemon Detox Herbs 500gr
  31. Plantain Leaves Cut Greece 500 Gr
  32. Eucalyptus Leaf Cut Portuguese 20 Gr
  33. Walnut Leaf Comenius Commeno Ellada 30 Gr
  34. Senna Leaves Alexandria Indian Senna Leaves 50 Gr
  35. Lemongrass Cut Egypt 10 Gr
  36. Rabbit's foot Pineapple Teflower Plant Cut 20 Gr
  37. Symphyto or Corolla Leaves Cut Greek 20 Gr
  38. Cistus Plant Cut Greek 20 Gr
  39. Iperoxo Lapacho Bark Cut Brazil 20 Gr
  40. White Tree Trimmings Rice Rice Cut Polish 30 Gr
  41. Valerian Rice Cut Greek 30 Gr
  42. Harpagophytum Arnica Root Cut Namibia 30 Gr
  43. Panora Lovely Pink Herbs 30gr
  44. Panora Berry Mix Herbs 30gr
  45. Panora Strawberry - Orange Herbs 30gr
  46. Ivy Leaf Cut Hungary 20 Gr
  47. Inula Eleonio Riza chinese cut 50 Gr
  48. Sweetcorn Cut Chinese 20 Gr