1. Hauppauge WinTV Solo HD TV Tuner for Laptop / PC with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T2 / DVB-T USB-A
  2. WIWA TV Tuner for PC with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T2 USB-A mp3130
  3. TrekStor Stick Terres Droid TV Tuner for Smartphone/Tablet with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T micro USB
  4. Rebel TV Tuner for PC / Laptop with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T2 USB-A
  5. Hauppauge WinTV dualHD TV Tuner for Laptop / PC with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T2 / DVB-T USB-A
  6. HU-03 TV Tuner for Laptop / PC USB-A / HDMI
  7. Hauppauge TV Tuner for PC / Laptop USB-A 1588
  8. Q-A115 TV Tuner for Smartphone/Tablet with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T2 / DVB-T micro USB
  9. iCube Tivizen Pico Galaxy TV Tuner for Smartphone/Tablet with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T Samsung 30-pin
  10. TerraTec Cinergy Mini Stick HD TV Tuner for Laptop / PC with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T USB-A
  11. TV Tuner for Smartphone/Tablet with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T2 micro USB 34.906.0189
  12. TerraTec Cinergy Mobile Wifi TV Tuner for Laptop / Smartphone/Tablet WiFi
  13. TrekStor I.Gear Terres TV Tuner for Smartphone/Tablet with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T Apple 30-pin
  14. GNS100 TV Tuner for Smartphone/Tablet with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T2 micro USB
  15. ZC56300 TV Tuner for Smartphone/Tablet with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T micro USB
  16. iCube Tivizen Pico iOS TV Tuner for Smartphone/Tablet with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T Apple 30-pin
  17. TV Tuner for Smartphone/Tablet with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T micro USB 4870
  18. Opticum TV Tuner for PC with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T2 / DVB-T HDMI
  19. R820T DV3 TV Tuner for Laptop / PC with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T USB-A
  20. EzTV Mini T1000 TV Tuner for Smartphone/Tablet with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T micro USB
  21. PT115 TV Tuner for Smartphone/Tablet with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T micro USB
  22. Toshiba TV Tuner for PX1256E-1TVH
  23. USB Receiver TV Tuner for Laptop / PC with Terrestrial Receiver DVB-T USB-A