• Rock Wall Adapter with 3 USB-A ports in Black Colour (T14 Led)

    1 out of 1 members found this review helpful

    Καλός φορτιστής για παράλληλη φόρτιση πολλών συσκευών. Υποστηρίζει και fast charging (σε 1 ή 2 συσκευές παράλληλα). Δεν ανεβάζει ψηλές θερμοκρασίες.

    Τον πήρα για να ελαφρύνω τις πρίζες του σπιτιού (5 άτομα απο 2 συσκευές ο καθένας). Ήθελα και το LCD για να ξέρω αν πραγματικά λειτουργεί το fast charging σε συσκευές που το υποστηρίζουν. Για ένα διάστημα το χρησιμοποίησα σε δύο Raspberry Pi για να δω αν θα έχω under-voltage. Όπως ήταν αναμενόμενο τελικά έδινε under-voltage events γιατί τα rpis θέλουν 5.1V και οι φορτιστές δίνουν 5.0V.

    Στην κανονική του χρήση (φόρτιση συσκευών). Fast charging σηκώνει μέχρι 2 συσκευές. Αν βάλεις και τρίτη τότε μαξάρει κάπου στα 3.25Α και για τις τρεις συσκευές. Αν δεν υπάρχουν ανάγκες fast charging αυτό δεν είναι θέμα. Επίσης θετικό είναι ότι δεν ανεβάζει επικίνδυνες θερμοκρασίες ακόμα και σε full load.

    Πρόσφατα είδα και μια θετική τεχνική ανάλυση εδώ: https://lygte-info.dk/review/USBpower%20Roch%20T14%203%20port%20Travel%20Adapter%20UK.html

    • Durability
    • Temperature
    • Value for money
    • Connectivity
    • Charging performance
  • Izzy Multi+ 600 Chopper 600W with 600ml Container

    2 out of 2 members found this review helpful

    We used it occasionally for the first 3 years. In the last year, we used it almost every day. A few months ago, the bin cracked and needs to be replaced. In conclusion, I recommend it for those who will not use it frequently.

    • Power
    • Easy to use
    • Cleaning
    • Do liquids spill when it cuts?
    • Noise
    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
  • Gillette Silver Blue Replacement Blades 5pcs

    3 out of 4 members found this review helpful

    Medium aggressive blades and smooth. Unlike other reviews, they do not cause me any issues and I can even do bold shaves, for example, against the grain all over the face and even on the neck. For a BBS result, I do three passes (with the grain, across the grain, and against the grain). The only negative is their higher price compared to other similar ones.

    The rating that follows is based on the following data: I have tough facial hair and I shave every 2nd or 3rd day, always using pre-shave and using tallow-based soaps. The razor is Merkur Slant 39c.

    Aggressiveness/Sharpness: 6/10
    Smoothness*: 9/10
    Sharpness Duration**: Up to 3 shaves.

    * I evaluate smoothness as the smoothness during the shave (if the blade doesn't stick or catch on any areas or hairs, then the blade is smooth). I do not evaluate the smooth result since with traditional shaving, you can always achieve smooth skin (BBS).
    ** I do 3 passes for each shave.

  • Perma Sharp DE Replacement Blades 5pcs

    11 out of 11 members found this review helpful

    The Perma Sharp blades are sharp but not aggressive. They never leave me with cuts or irritations - not even on the neck.

    The rating that follows is based on the following data: I have tough beard and shave every 2nd or 3rd day, always use pre-shave and use tallow-based soaps. The razor is Merkur Slant 39c.

    Aggressiveness/Sharpness: 8/10
    Smoothness*: 9/10
    Sharpness Duration**: Up to 3 shaves.

    * I evaluate smoothness during the shave (if the blade doesn't stick or tug, then it is smooth). I do not evaluate the smoothness of the end result since with traditional shaving, you can always achieve a smooth skin (BBS).

    ** I do 3 passes with each shave.

  • Feather New Hi-Stainless Platinum Coated Blades Replacement Blades 10pcs

    10 out of 10 members found this review helpful

    Feather blades are known for their sharpness. I have a love-hate relationship with Feather blades. Most of the time, on the first use (new blade), they leave me with small cuts and irritation on the second and third pass, especially on the neck area. On the second and third use, they generally shave well, although they still require caution and avoiding shaving experiments.

    The following rating is based on the following data: I have coarse facial hair and shave every 2nd or 3rd day, always using pre-shave and tallow-based soaps. The razor used is the Merkur Slant 39c.

    Aggressiveness/Sharpness: 9/10
    Smoothness*: 7/10
    Sharpness Duration**: Up to 3 shaves.

    *Smoothness is evaluated based on the smoothness during the shaving process (if the blade doesn't stick or tug on hair, then it is considered smooth). I do not evaluate the smoothness of the end result since with traditional shaving, you can always achieve a smooth skin (BBS).
    **I perform 3 passes in each shave.

  • Αρχικά ήταν σ' ένα λαπτοπ για περίπου 8 χρόνια. Απο Windows Vista, πήγε στα 7 και μετά στα 10 μ' αυτό τον δίσκο. Μπούκωνε το λαπτοπ τα τελευταία χρόνια λόγω της ταχύτητάς του (σαν HDD). Έβαλα στο λάπτοπ έναν SSD και πάει σφαίρα για την ηλικία του.

    O δίσκος τώρα χρησιμοποιείται για backup σ' ένα QNAP NAS χωρίς κανένα πρόβλημα (πέρασε κανονικά όλα τα τεστ). Το SMART λέει ότι συνολικά ο δίσκος λειτουργεί 827 μέρες (είναι στο ρεύμα δλδ)! Η ταχύτητά του δεν με ενοχλεί γιατί χρησιμοποιώ SSD caching στο NAS.

    • Speed
    • Reliability
    • Quiet
    • Temperature
  • I have it for two years. It protects:
    1. a large NAS
    2. a small switch
    3. an access point
    4. a router-firewall along with the provider's router and the wireless phone

    In tests, it lasted over 20 minutes. Generally, I didn't have long power outages (up to 4-5 minutes). Generally, it saved me from small interruptions and voltage drops in unstable weather. The LCD is useful when installing it and then you forget about it. However, it is good to have an indication when there is an outage.

    • Battery life
    • Silent
    • Volume
    • Value for money
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 (2020) 10.4" with WiFi (3GB/32GB) Gold

    15 out of 20 members found this review helpful

    The purchase was made for a high school student. Its main use is for music, movies, and of course e-school through WebEx, Zoom, and Skype (for private lessons). It performs very well during several hours of daily use. If it lasts for 3 years, I will be satisfied.

    • Speed
    • Screen resolution
    • Speaker quality
    • Weight
    • Value for money
    • Battery
    • Durability
  • Το αγόρασα στον πατέρα μου για αντικατάσταση του παλιού 10ετίας που είχε. Ελαφριά χρήση για σερφάρισμα, τάβλι, επικοινωνία με skype, κλπ. Η βαθμολογία είναι για αυτή τη χρήση.

    Παράγοντες επιλογής ηταν η μεγάλη μνήμη, ο δίσκος SSD και η σχετικά μεγάλη οθόνη. Σαν κατασκευή είναι κάπως ντελικάτο και η οθόνη μέτρια.

    • Screen
    • Speed
    • Keyboard
    • Touchpad
    • Battery life
    • Temperature
    • Value for money
    • Weight