- Lighting
- Material quality
- Installation
- Longevity
- Value for money
- Adhesive quality
- Paper quality
- Was it easy to read?
- Was it interesting enough?
- I liked the writing style
- I would read a book by the same author
- I would recommend it for reading
- Paper quality
- I would recommend it for reading
- Paper quality
- Was it interesting enough?
- I would choose a book by the same author
- I would recommend it for purchase
- Paper quality
- Was it interesting enough?
- I would choose a book by the same author
- I would recommend it for purchase
- Paper quality
- Was it easy to read?
- Was it interesting enough?
- I liked the writing style
- I would read a book by the same author
- I would recommend it for reading
- Paper quality
- Was it interesting enough?
- I would choose a book by the same author
- I would recommend it for purchase
- Paper quality
- Was it interesting enough?
- I would choose a book by the same author
- I would recommend it for purchase
- Paper quality
- Was it interesting enough?
- I would choose a book by the same author
I have it for 3 years, it's perfect, it hasn't had any issues, it works like new!
- Comfort
- Picture
- Response time
- Viewing angle
- Menu
- Value for money
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