Εξαιρετικό vfm μηχανάκι. Δεν έχει και τα ποιοτικότερα υλικά (πχ τροφοδοτικό, ssd M2, μνήμη RAM), αλλά ό,τι custom σύνθεση κι αν έπαιρνα με αυτά τα χαρακτηριστικά ήθελα 100-150€ περισσότερα. Με τις ρυθμίσεις στο AMD Ryzen Master γίνεται πιο αθόρυβο κι από laptop. Αναβαθμίστηκε αμέσως σε windows 11. Αν έχετε αυξημένες απαιτήσεις πετάξετε τη RAM και βάλετε της αρεσκείας σας, έχει 4 socket η μητρική. Συνδεδεμένος με DELL 4k 32 ιντσών πετάει. Οι θερμοκρασίες σε εργασίες γραφείου δεν ξεπερνούν τους 45 βαθμούς, ενώ σε προβολή Video τους 55 βαθμούς. Ο Ryzen 5600Χ είναι διαμαντάκι, όπως και η 1660 Super (γι' αυτό το budget). Χωρητικότητα σκληρού άφθονη, τροφοδοτικό οκ, chipset B550, η RAM μας τα χαλάει γιατί είναι μόνο 8gb στα 3200 με τραγικό cas latency στα 22 clocks. Αξίζει η αγορά του.
- Speed
- Volume
- Quiet
- Value for money
- Hardware quality
- Construction quality
- Is it as it appears in the photo?
- Ease of use
- Durability
- Value for money
Stanley Fatmax Xl Spirit Level Aluminum 25cm with 3 Eyes
at 2022-03-13Verified purchaseExcellent tool, very good construction quality. It helps with the divination board it has, it is magnetic, but be careful with the size. It may be convenient for some, but not for others.
Samsung Converter USB-C male to 3.5mm female White 1pcs (EE-UC10JUWEGUS)
at 2021-07-27Verified purchase- Effectiveness
- Value for money
- Construction quality
- Easy to use
Samsung 860 Evo SSD 500GB 2.5'' SATA III
at 2021-01-30Verified purchaseI installed it on a 2012 laptop (top of the line for its time, HP 17 multimedia) replacing a 5400 rpm HDD and it revived it. Samsung SSDs are top-notch. The boot time decreased from 40-50 seconds to 8-10 seconds, as expected. It gave it life for another decade. If you have an old laptop, they will sigh with relief with an SSD and Windows 10.
- Expected speed
- Reliability
- Management software
- Consistent performance
- Value for money
Urnex Liquid Dezcal 15-DLQ1 Coffee Maker Cleaner
at 2021-01-30Verified purchaseI have been using it for over 10 years on a Jura coffee machine, as recommended by the brand's importer. Everything works perfectly.
Hoco Charger with USB-A Port and USB-C Port and Cable USB-C - Lightning 20W Power Delivery Whites (C80A Rapido)
at 2021-01-30Verified purchaseIf I charge my iPhone (11 pro max) alone, then it charges with fast charging. If I also connect a second device at the same time for charging (even with Bluetooth headphones), then you constantly hear the beep, beep sound that the devices make when they connect or disconnect from the charger. In other words, the charging is constantly interrupted and resumed (not immediately) on both devices, making the charging process cumbersome.
- Temperature
- Value for money
- Connectivity
Εμπιστεύομαι τα προϊόντα της Displex και τα θεωρώ vfm. Ένα καλό tempered glass σε καλή τιμή για την ποιότητά του.
- Application
- Protection
- Durability
- It does not affect handling
- It does not distort the image
- Installation
Για όσους ξέρουν τι ζητούν το όνομα Spigen είναι εγγύηση & vfm. Η συγκεκριμένη θήκη έχει μόνο ένα "ελάττωμα", το μέγεθός της. Όμως θήκη wallet με μικρότερο μέγεθος δεν προσφέρει την ασφάλεια που θα σου προσφέρει η Spigen. Για την προστασία που προσφέρει, αν η επιλογή σου είναι τύπου wallet δεν υπάρχει καλύτερη επιλογή στα χρήματά της. Το ότι δεν αφαιρείται εύκολα εγώ το κατατάσσω στα υπέρ κι όχι στα κατά.
- Application
- Durability
- Protection
- Material quality
- It does not affect handling
- Value for money
- Volume
- Is it difficult to remove?
Miele Oven Cleaner Spray 500ml
at 2021-01-30Verified purchaseIt does what it promises. Its name is a guarantee. I bought it because it is Miele and I did not regret it. At the same time, I bought two other products because the oven was terrible, it needed to be cleaned immediately, and I didn't know which one would work. I left it for two hours to work (even more if you leave it longer) and then, with enough scrubbing, not as much as with other products, ALL the burnt fats come off. It doesn't burn your hands, like other products, it doesn't smell, it is powerful, it is fantastic!!!! I also tried the other two and burned my hands, eyes, nose. Wear gloves and a mask for your nose. If the burnt residues persist, repeat the process.
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