1. Winx Club Vol 1 Papercutz Paperback Softback
Clubul Winx Vol 1 Papercutz Paperback Softback
  2. Winx Club Vol 2 9781545800805
  3. The Smurfs
  4. Flash Gordon: Colecția Clasică Vol. 1: Pe Planeta Mongo Alex Raymond Papercutz
  5. Cavalerul Ciupercă Vol. 2 Oliver Bly Papercutz
  6. The Legendary Lynx Alex Segura 1112 9781545814000
  7. Children Of The Phoenix Vol. 1
  8. Casagrandes Vol 6 Papercutz Paperback Softback
Traducere: Casagrandes Vol 6 Papercutz Paperback Softback
  9. Geronimo Stilton Reporter 3-in-1 Vol 4 Papercutz Paperback Softback - Geronimo Stilton Reporter 3-in-1 Vol 4 Papercutz Copertă Moale Carte de Buzunar
  10. Digital Lizards Doom Vol 2 Papercutz Paperback Softback - Digital Lizards Doom Vol 2 Papercutz Paperback Softback
  11. Mythics Vol. 5
  12. Gillbert #4: Insula Țestoaselor Portocalii Art Baltazar Papercutz 0809
  13. Geronimo Stilton 3-în-1 Vol 4 Papercutz Copertă Moale
  14. The Mammoth Paul Tobin 0305 Vol. 305
  15. Sunt un Dezastru Papercutz Copertă Moale
  16. Poveștile Ștrumpfilor Vol 9 Papercutz Paperback Softback
  17. Apărătorii Pământului 1987 Papercutz Paperback Softback
  18. Flash Gordon Classic Collection Vol 2 Don Moore 1112, Don
  19. Clay Footed Giants Mark Mcguire Vol. 240
  20. Attaboy Tony Mcmillen
  21. Sisters 3
  22. Ștrumpfii #25: Ștrumpfii Jucători Peyo Papercutz 0528
  23. Flash Gordon Adventures Franco Vol. 112
  24. Nightmare Brigade Vol. 3
  25. Melowy Vol 6 Papercutz Carte cu copertă cartonată
  26. Povești cu Ștrumfi Vol. 10 - Papercutz - Broșat / Copertă moale
  27. Flash Gordon Adventures Franco Vol. 112
  28. Love Me A Romance Story Francesca Perillo Vol. 108 9781545812020
  29. Dick Tracy Vol 1 Michael Moreci 0212 Vol. 1
  30. Cat And Cat #5
  31. Mugshots Jordan Thomas 0319 Vol. 319
  32. Ralph Azham Vol. 4
  33. Mythics Vol. 5
  34. Gatchaman Vol 1 Cullen Bunn 0212 Vol. 1
  35. Trei Hoți Vol. 1: Turnul Comorii Scott Chantler Papercutz
  36. Lewis Trondheim's The Fly 1026
  37. Chloe 3
  38. Ralph Azham Vol. 4
  39. Black are the Stars, Vol. 1 Ralph Azham
  40. Dance Class Vol 1
  41. Melowy Vol. 6
  42. Smurfs Tales Vol 9
  43. Cat And Cat #5
  44. Melowy Vol. 3: Timpul de a zbura Cortney Faye Powell Papercutz 0625
  45. Metaphrog's Bluebeard
  46. Galaxy Of Madness Vol 1 Magdelene Visaggio 0305
  47. Dance Class Vol 2
  48. Magical History Tour #12