At first, I couldn't make a good coffee and the machine disappointed me. Eventually, I found the right settings and the suitable coffee, and the result is decent. I've been using the machine for about 5 months coming from a Delonghi Dedica.
As you know, coffee is a matter of habit, and changing coffee machines will inevitably change the taste of your coffee. For those who only drink espresso, the adjustment may be milder. The machine makes excellent espresso.
Regarding cappuccino, with the factory settings, the first time I made it, it looked like dirty water. I couldn't understand why. The frothed milk looked excellent, but the cappuccino was terrible. So I started experimenting with the quantity and brand of milk.
Since I wasn't getting anywhere, I tried making cappuccino using my frother and not the machine's latte. Bingo! My coffee turned out right. I eventually realized that the frothed milk produced by the frother has bubbles with air and is less thick than the machine's latte (which is produced with steam), thus mixing faster with the coffee. That's why the machine's cappuccino is somewhat different (more bitter). Of course, the manufacturer knows this, and that's why when making cappuccino, the frothed milk is prepared first, and then the coffee is poured over it (to mix the coffee with the milk).
So, if you don't mind cleaning the frother, buy an espresso machine without the latte, which is also cheaper. If you prefer convenience like I do, this particular machine works flawlessly.
The coffees I have used are Hausbrandt Gourmet, Lavazza Tierra, and Hausbrandt Gourmet Columbus. All of them turned out good. The grinder of the machine is set to 3.5.
What I don't like, and for this reason, I take away one star:
The milk container doesn't have a handle, so it's a bit difficult to remove it from the machine - without this meaning that there is a real problem.
The settings for cappuccino are limited. This is a major flaw in the machine's software. Only the amount for frothed milk and the coffee extraction time can be adjusted. There is no option to adjust the coffee strength (e.g., mild, strong, etc.) or the amount in grams (single, double, doppio+, etc.).
I solved this by adjusting the amount of latte in the milk menu to produce the amount of frothed milk I want for my cappuccino.
So, to make the double cappuccino I like, I first go into the milk menu and make the frothed milk, and then I select the coffee in the desired amount and strength, in this case, the doppio+. Don’t imagine that it’s a tedious process, but this way, the initial idea of the machine's convenience—that I can make cappuccino at the push of a button—is lost.
UPDATE: As of today, 14/06/2023, the machine has made 4209 coffees and works flawlessly.
2nd UPDATE: As of today, 15/01/2025, the machine has made 9040 coffees. It malfunctioned about a year ago. The machine intermittently has a startup issue (see the photo). To get it to work, I have to turn it off from the main switch and restart it. Sometimes I need to repeat the process 2-3 times until it starts.
I will keep you updated on the repair cost.