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The Attempt
- Author: Γεωργία Λινάρδου
- Publisher: Alfa Pi
- Μορφή: Soft Cover
- Έτος έκδοσης: 2024
- Αριθμός σελίδων: 70
- Κωδικός ISBN-13: 9789606322020
- Διαστάσεις: 14×21
Γεωργία Λινάρδου
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He is convinced that during that "fatal" afternoon in Butler "God" was with him, so hemanaged to survive an assassination attempt with only an annoying ripping in the ear.People might believe Trump’s claim that he is "God’s Chosen One", but let’s not forgetthat one civilian was killed and two others looked Death in the eye. It was out of pure luck that the most fanatical supporter of everyone’s right to bear armsonly narrowly escaped paying the price of his own beliefs; yet, the 20-year-old man whocame close to killing Trump, had a lot more guns at his family home. Was, eventually, Donald Trump lucky? Or, merely, was he almost a victim of his ownpolicies and the sound mistakes of the Secret Service? History will tell… it will also tell why “God saved Trump” after all…
- Genre
- -
- Language
- English
- Subtitle
- -
- Format
- Soft Cover
- Number of Pages
- 70
- Release Date
- 9/2024
- Publication Date
- 2024
- Dimensions
- 14x21 cm
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