The difference between logic and intuition is the same difference that exists between the mind and the heart, logic and love, science and Art, prose and poetry, destination and direction.
The destination is a clear thing – the direction is something intuitive. The destination is something outside of you – the direction is an internal feeling. When you decide on a destination, it is the past that decides. Your experiences from the past, your knowledge from the past are what decide. Then you simply repeat your past, possibly making some modifications here and there. The destination is determined by the mind.
The direction is gained by living. The direction is something alive, that knows neither future nor past. Yes, the direction comes from living in the moment. It is not something you control and plan. It happens, it is elusive, and you can never be certain about it. You can only feel it. That's why I say it is more poetry than prose, more love than logic, more Art than science. And that is its beauty – hesitant like the morning dew drop, sliding off a green leaf, not knowing where, not knowing why. In the morning sun, it simply slides over the green leaf.
The Insights series – Vision for a new way of living sheds light on beliefs and behaviors that prevent individuals from being their true selves. With an intelligent combination of compassion and humor, Osho encourages the reader to face what they would most like to avoid – which provides exactly the key to true awareness and strength.