The imaginative techniques used by scammers, through real incidents, gathered in a book!
The first thing our ancestors read in a newspaper was the scam of the day! The "machine," as it was called in the market. A difficult era, about which our satirical poet G. Souris wrote:
Here, every scabby, homeless, barefoot Bourdousis*
seeks restoration and enrichment
and thus in the glorious city, thievery nests
and the population of the dear capital increases.
In the city of thieves, beggars, and robbers, therefore, wonders and miracles happened daily. The "machines" were set up with imagination and originality, with a deep understanding of human weaknesses and always flawless execution.
This atmosphere is described, with humor and respect for authenticity, in this book. The modern reader soon realizes that what happens today pales in comparison to what happened in the two decades from 1920-1940.
In short, this book is a true treasure, and I am sure you will enjoy it breathlessly while learning about the scammers!
* A picturesque character of Athens in 1883, who was characterized as the "Demosthenes" of his time.
A different exploration into the realm of illegality. A documented and original presentation of methods and techniques of fraud and theft through real incidents.