I first tried this fat burner when I was 18, 13 years ago. In combination with intense exercise and a low-carb diet, I lost 45 kilograms in 3 months!!!
Obviously, when you're young, the weight just disappears. Now that I'm 30, I'm satisfied if I lose 3 kilograms per month.
Now I decided to start using this product again because I trust it.
For those who don't know, fat burners are not magic pills that bring springtime, as a friend mentioned above.
Essentially, what it does is shorten the time needed to burn fat during aerobic exercise from half an hour to a quarter, plus it increases fat burning and energy.
To make it work, you need exercise and, of course, a diet without fats and excessive carbohydrates. If you take it while sitting, it will most likely cause palpitations and, of course, it won't have any effect.
It is a product with many ingredients and excessive caffeine, and each body can react differently with various side effects.
I suggest starting with one pill in the morning and adjusting accordingly.
All those who claim in the comments that it causes various side effects didn't go through the process of trying it. Take one pill in the morning, for example, and depending on how it affects you, take a second one.
It requires a bit of common sense. You can't take 6 capsules a day and then complain that you can't sleep or that your stomach hurts. Obviously, you won't be able to sleep with that much caffeine. It's like drinking 30 cups of coffee. What will happen to your stomach if you drink 30 cups of coffee? Will you pass out?
It's like medication too. First, the doctor prescribes 5mg and the next month they tell you to take 10mg. First, we crawl, then we walk, and then we run. Those who tried to run from the beginning gave up