Quite good performer, I started using it in the first days of 2024 - when the electricity bill of DEH arrived along with the projected new prices and charges!! This Corona 3085 heater is simple to use and install, the heat it produces radiates pleasantly through your body and you can even heat adjacent rooms as the bathroom and kitchen, up to 50-55 sq.m. total. The smell, ah, the smell, no, it isn’t completely odorless, will smell a bit at ignition and shutdown, and will smell more if you overstep, carried away engulfed in your blankets and its sweet heat and radiance-Oops, finally you burn all of the kerosene and are woken up by the cold AND the curious smell of the burnt wick)). Not a capital offense, am told by the service person, but better not do that, rather when you see the warning red sign of low fuel- recharge the heater with the high quality recommended Crystal 1 Kerosene fuel. And yesss, always keep at least a crack of the window open (2-4 cm) to provide ventilation/ supply of oxygen. The fuel supply lasts for about 15-17 hours, depending on when exactly did you recharge the thing, how high did you topped up the kerosene, and how high did you crank the wick while burning. Use the best fuel, it pays off… enjoy!