What is the relationship between rain and democracy, and between the industrial revolution and women's emancipation and same-sex marriages?
Why did James Watt contribute more than Karl Marx to the abolition of slavery and the forthcoming end of human exploitation by humans?
What is the connection between the debt trap and Skinner's trap, and between Thucydides' trap and the trap of biology and humanism?
Why does Calcoin have a better chance of prevailing over Bitcoin, and where are we in the cycle of disorder?
Have Kondratiev, Kardashev, Margaret Atwood, or H.G. Wells proposed the best scenario for where the world is heading?
What do the consecutive records of the S&P 500 and the price of gold foretell?
Are human societies of "butter" and the "narcissists" of the West able to understand what is at stake?
If they do understand, are they willing to sacrifice part of their comforts and borrowed prosperity in order to reinvent the explosive dynamics of competition, the free market, and the open democratic society, without the identity hysterias (of otherwise respected) individual minorities? Are we capable of rebooting capitalism?
This is the greatest challenge of the upcoming period of disorder.