Recommended product for those on a budget. Good value for money, with great solubility, clean recipe and rich selection of unique flavors to satisfy most palates. After trying four flavors, I can safely say that I have had better and worse tasting whey over the years, but for this price, I can definitely recommend them.
Here's my impression regarding their flavors, to my subjective experience:
? Peanut Butter is great. I blend it with low-fat cottage, soy milk, and some frozen strawberries. It tastes slightly artificial, but within enjoyable levels. It's nutty and rich in flavor. Low sweetness.
? Mango Yogurt is eh. As a mango lassi lover (a creamy yogurt-based drink from India made with mango, some milk, and a bit of cardamom) I thought this would be a hit, but it didn't meet my expectations. While it has that nice soury feel of the yogurt, it would have been more enjoyable to drink if the mango flavor was more defined. Medium sweetness.
Orange Cream tastes more like sweet ice cream with a tiny pinch of orange flavor. The orange flavor is mild, and tastes somewhat artificial. It is not soury, for those who were wondering. Medium sweetness.
Raspberry Cheesecake is the most misleading of all. I've had great experience with cheesecake wheys before (e.g. Battery Nutrition Lemon Cheesecake), so I came with high expectations to this product, but it's simply berries, without a trace of cheesecake. Buy if you love berries, avoid if you expect a taste reminiscent of cheesecakes. Medium-high sweetness (useful if you blend it with unflavored BCAA).
Note that all those that go by the name yogurt, cream, cheesecake, and similar, share an identical base and taste very similar. If you plan on testing two flavors, I'd suggest to avoid taking two of those, for the sake of variety. Happy gains!