I will first talk about the BETA version of the game and then the full version. The BETA version showed us more or less what to expect, well the effort was relatively good! Out of the 5 Gamemodes that the full version has, they gave us 3 and they were all FANTASTIC. The first one was Galactic Assault (if I'm saying it correctly), the second one was Starfighter Assault (if I'm saying it correctly again), and the third one was Strike. The other two Gamemodes that they didn't give us in the BETA version are Heroes vs Villains, and Blast. I will talk more in detail about the Gamemodes in a bit.
(From here on, I won't talk anymore about the BETA. The only thing we will have in the full version is the SP Campaign, which unfortunately wasn't good.)
Let's talk about the Heroes and Villains they added to the game:
From the Prequel of STAR WARS, we have Yoda for the "good guys" and Darth Maul for the "bad guys".
From the Sequel of STAR WARS, we have Rey for the "good guys" and Kylo Ren for the "bad guys".
From the originals of STAR WARS, we have Chewbacca, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Leia Organa, and Luke Skywalker for the "good guys" and Boba Fett, Bossk, Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, and Iden Versio from the SP Campaign for the "bad guys". Also, for the Starfighter Assault, there are corresponding starfighters as Heroes and Villains.
(Unfortunately, the Heroes and Villains felt unbalanced among themselves and many of them need a small patch. Nothing more.)
Let's talk about the classes they added to the game:
1) Assault, where you play with an Assault Rifle as a weapon and corresponding abilities (e.g. a simple grenade).
2) Heavy, where you play with LMGs as a weapon and corresponding abilities (e.g. a shield for your LMG).
3) Officer, where you play with Blaster Pistols and corresponding abilities (e.g. a move that heals your nearby teammates).
4) Specialist, where you play with a Sniper Rifle and corresponding abilities (e.g. a grenade that "electrifies" and "stuns" your opponents). You can upgrade your weapons and you can add some cards that greatly help you in the gameplay, and they are very useful for this reason. You can also upgrade them.
I won't talk about the SP Campaign. It was bad...
The progression of the game at the beginning was terrible, but now they have fixed it to a great extent.
And now, lastly, about the Gamemodes:
1) Galactic Assault: You play on a large-scale map with many objectives until the final goal... You can spawn as a vehicle or as a Hero and Villain respectively. One team attacks and the other defends.
2) Starfighter Assault: Exactly the same thing as above, just now you are in space as a spacecraft.
3) Heroes vs Villains: 4 Heroes and 4 Villains, they fight and each team tries to eliminate the constantly changing target. Whichever team reaches 10 points first wins (you get one point for each target you kill).
4) Strike: Two teams play on a small map and must follow the instructions and objectives to win. One team attacks and the other defends.
5) Blast: Team Deathmatch. Whichever team reaches 100 kills wins.
That's all I have to say about Star Wars Battlefront 2. Personally, I liked it a lot and I can say that Star Wars fans will love it :)