We are among the majority who have played the game in almost all versions, as we have been part of the PlayStation family since earlier. However, always remember that there is also a new generation of gamers, who are now starting console gaming without having the opportunity to play these masterpieces. It's a shame to have so much negativity for a game that, if nothing else, has received a lot of love from both the studio and the world.
Recently, I played Part 2 with a tremendous delay and I was amazed, to the point that several months passed before I played another story-based game. As I was finishing Part 2 (even completing two play-throughs), I had the desire to play the first part again because I realized that I vaguely remembered the details and hadn't absorbed the story as intensely as I did with the second part.
On to the specifics:
- Gameplay: Although not as flawless as in Part 2, the light polish compared to the PS3/PS4 era seemed satisfactory to me. Having recently experienced Part 2, the character movement in the environment felt "heavier" to me, but I never felt like I couldn't do what I was thinking, to approach enemies and battles. I missed the characteristic ability of "diving" from Part 2 in the cover system to play a bit more aggressively. I enjoyed the exploration part more, free from the anxiety of the "unknown," and I had more confidence in facing any unexpected attacks when I was exploring the locations. Similarly, I managed resources and ammunition much more easily, knowing how to approach each enemy from the many hours I had spent with them in Part 2 (maybe about 80% of the game I had to struggle to complete with stealth and decoy).
- Story: I remembered the story very fragmentarily due to the years that had passed since I first played it. There were sections of the game, such as when you play only as Ellie (e.g., Lakeside Resort), the dam, or the part with Sam, that I had completely forgotten. The same goes for the DLC Left Behind, which felt like I was playing it for the first time. In general, I really enjoyed being able to connect the stories, characters, and performances from the first and second parts in a better and more intense way. It left me with a sense of fulfillment that I had lost over the several years that had passed since playing through the two games.
- Graphics & World: The improved textures in the details and lighting of the environment, as well as in the character models and their expressions, in my opinion, greatly contributed to the overall feeling that the game leaves. They are still far from what we saw in Part 2, but overall, personally, it created a strong sense of cohesion. I consider that if I had played this first on the PS5 and then played the second part for the first time, the transition and natural progression between the two titles would seem smoother. I compare it, for example, to Uncharted 1 and Uncharted 2, where the leap in graphics, mechanics, and gameplay felt very significant to me.
I conclude by saying that this time I feel like I "absorbed" the game and experienced it more intensely and comprehensively.
I stopped to study and read every little sign, graffiti, flyer, or detail that the studio had carefully incorporated, to admire the nature and the "refreshed" world, and to enjoy the expressions and the stunning voice overs along with the breathtaking music. I liked, additionally, that I didn't have to deal with online or uber difficulty trophies (I generally don't play online) and so I dedicated myself to exploring every corner of the game.
The price for a game that has been released on 3 platforms is an issue, however, it doesn't negate the fact that The Last of Us is a masterpiece that surpasses the boundaries of video games, fills you with emotions, and provides endless hours of entertainment.