Animal Repellents

Ultrasonic Repellent Device Birds Solar 4500gr 25x25m

Take advantage of solar energy and repel birds from your space completely free of charge! It accumulates and stores solar energy and uses it to emit ultrasounds that repel birds. It is environmentally...

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Take advantage of solar energy and repel birds from your space completely free of charge! It accumulates and stores solar energy and uses it to emit ultrasounds that repel birds. It is environmentally friendly and completely safe for humans.

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from 41,87 €


Take advantage of solar energy and repel birds from your space completely free of charge! It accumulates and stores solar energy and uses it to emit ultrasounds that repel birds. It is environmentally friendly and completely safe for humans.


  • Solar panel: 9V 5W
  • Ultrasound: 120DB
  • Operating distance: approximately 25m
  • Rechargeable Battery: DC12V / 5AH
  • Current: Ultrasonic 20MA
  • Frequency: 16KHz~30 KHz
  •  Speaker: 20W
  • Dimensions: 250x195x160 mm




Product Number


Ultrasonic Device
Solar Powered


4500 gr


25 m
25 m

Important information

Specifications are collected from official manufacturer websites. Please verify the specifications before proceeding with your final purchase. If you notice any problem you can report it here.


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  • reefersam3
    3 out of 3 members found this review helpful

    Verified purchase

    Without instructions, it's in Chinese, now try to make it work. Of course, you sold it to us, now whether it works or not is our problem.

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  • Panagiotis_Gkionis19
    1 out of 2 members found this review helpful

    Verified purchase from Ideahellas

    It has rusted and no longer works. In order to start it, you have to turn it off and on constantly. (1 year of operation on an island - far from the sea)

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  • amavrodimitrakis
    14 out of 15 members found this review helpful

    Verified purchase from Ideahellas

    The eighteen-hour ones sit next to him and look at it. The sparrows have made it their home. I have had it in a visible spot for almost a week and I haven't seen any results. I don't know what else to do. I operate it with the sounds it has. If I activate the normal volume, we will leave the house and the birds will come! Something else..

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    It doesn't work. Waste of money

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