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Para Bellum - Πώς να Επιβιώσεις σε Περίπτωση Πολέμου, How to survive in case of war
- Author: Χρήστος Νικολαΐδης
- Publisher: Oxygono
- Μορφή: Soft Cover
- Έτος έκδοσης: 2022
- Αριθμός σελίδων: 100
- Κωδικός ISBN-13: 9789609646307
- Διαστάσεις: 14×21
Χρήστος Νικολαΐδης
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If you want peace, prepare for war, the Latins used to say. If you want to survive in times of war, prepare while there is still peace. It is not in your hands whether there will be a war. What is in your hands, however, is to do your best to survive either in times of peace or in times of war. And in times of peace, well, more or less we all know what we need to do. But in times of war, how do you survive? Having gathered testimonies and advice from people who have experienced the fire of war, we present you with this book that can make the difference between life and death in times of war. Do not forget that it is not the strongest who survives. It is not the smartest who survives. Not even the most cunning. It is the one who adapts best to the conditions who survives, and that is a law of nature. It is reality, and whenever theory disagrees with reality, reality always wins. We have gathered advice from Syrians, Serbs, Ukrainians, and Greeks who have experienced war. Not only men, but above all women, who were left alone with their children at home, hungry, thirsty, trembling with fear about whether they would live to see the next day. Do not forget that if you are a man aged 18 to 55, you will not have much of a problem because the army will take care of you! Clothes, water, food, doctor, weapons, all ready. The only thing that will concern you is the danger of death in battle. Is that a small thing? Yes, if we compare it to those you leave behind. If you are a woman, if you are a child up to 17 years old, or a man older than 55, then you have the fear of death that the soldier has, plus hunger, plus the anxiety of taking care of your child, plus the feeling of being powerless to do anything to protect yourself... or maybe not? There are ways and smart tricks that will save you in case of war, as long as you know them, of course. Seemingly the only way to know what to do in case of war is to have gone through it before. But that's what books are for, to transfer knowledge so we don't have to suffer to learn because in serious situations, like war, experiences are painful. So let's see what advice those who have experienced war firsthand give us.
- Type
- Survival Guides
- Language
- Greek
- Subtitle
- How to survive in case of war
- Format
- Soft Cover
- Number of Pages
- 100
- Release Date
- 02/2022
- Publication Date
- 2022
- Dimensions
- 14x21 cm
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Something is taught from this book. I believe it was worth the time, which was about 3 nights, and the money I spent. It also particularly sparked my interest from the first read, so much so that I had a hard time putting it down.
Translated from Greek ·- Paper quality
- Illustrations
- Can it keep someone creatively occupied for a considerable amount of time?
- Value for money
- I would recommend it for purchase
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