The main ingredients of ADAM Men's Multiple Vitamin are as follows:
- Vitamins B-3, B-6, B-12, and folic acid (B-9): contribute to the reduction of blood homocysteine levels (a factor related to good cardiovascular health).
- Saw palmetto fruit extract: helps in the normal functioning of the prostate and urinary system.
- Lycopene: has antioxidant properties and supports the cardiovascular and immune systems.
- Lutein: neutralizes free radicals that can cause damage to the macula.
- Alpha-lipoic acid: promotes the production of glutathione and the maintenance of healthy nerve tissues in conjunction with supporting metabolism and cardiovascular function.
- Coenzyme Q10: supports the cardiovascular system and the normal aging process.
- Resveratrol: has anti-aging properties and also supports good heart function.
- Grape seed extract: has antioxidant properties and supports the vessels, bones, and brain.
All the above nutrients combined with vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and the normal level of trace minerals, amino acids, digestive enzymes, and herbs, adequately cover the vital needs of the male body.