The first impression on someone unfamiliar with scooters is very positive. I had never ridden an electric scooter before, except for a short ride on an m365.
The positives are everything mentioned in previous comments. Battery, power, feeling, build quality, flexibility, storage, parking, mobility, autonomy, etc.
In the 3 days that I have been using it to go to work, I have formed a very good image of the requirements I have.
I find myself feeling safe when I ride it. In other words, the 'chassis' seems sturdy and the speed of up to 25 km/h is correct, even sufficient, for the narrow streets of the city. I am about 183 cm tall and the total weight with a bag, laptop, etc. is about 90 kg.
However, something that never changes is the road's imperfections... Incredible difficulties in constantly avoiding potholes, 'patches' on the asphalt, manholes, drains, stones, garbage, etc. These scooters have the natural property of not absorbing shocks, since they have no suspension.
You have to think and behave like a foreign body when it comes to traffic. For example, don't think that the other person will stop, so you should go first. Or that they will patiently wait for you from behind and won't overtake you closely, risking you being led into a deep pothole and putting yourself in a very bad (even fatal) position.
Also, because it is quiet, pedestrians don't hear it. Someone can change direction when you pass by them and you might get caught off guard.
A helmet saves lives.
In my opinion, it is very much worth it.
I haven't found anything negative so far.
What does the helmet do?