Cup: Boil a cup of water and dip the tea bag in it for 3-4 minutes. After 2 minutes, gently stir the tea bag for more flavor. You can leave the tea bag inside and add another half cup of boiling water during the process.
Pot: Place 3 tea bags in a special pot. Carefully pour 1 liter of boiling water. Close the lid and wait for 4 minutes for the infusion to complete. Enjoy 4 cups of tea.
Strong brew: If you like a strong taste, you can empty the contents of a tea bag into a cup of hot water by tearing the bag. The specially ground product will settle at the bottom after 4 minutes. You can safely enjoy the strongest version of the tea.
Cold brew: Simply put 2 biodegradable Herbs In The Sun® tea bags (first remove the string and label) in 700ml of water (adjust the dosage), in a bottle, in the refrigerator. After 24 hours, you will have a delicious, healthy, flavorful, caffeine-free, chilled beverage.