iPad Pro разполага с мощния процесор M1 на Apple за пробивна производителност и цялодневна работа на батерията. Той разполага със зашеметяващ дисплей Liquid Retina XDR с размер 12,9 инча за преглед или редактиране на снимки и HDR видео.
Моделите с мобилна връзка предлагат поддръжка на 5G скорост за свързаност с мрежата.
Междувременно, предната камера с функцията Center Stage ви разпознава и ви държи автоматично в кадъра по време на видео разговорите ви.
Петото поколение на iPad Pro 12.9 е предназначено предимно за професионалисти и създатели на съдържание, като художници, фотографи, дизайнери, архитекти и инженери, които се нуждаят от мощен и многофункционален таблет за работата си. Той е също предназначен за изискващи потребители, които търсят най-добрата производителност и потребителски опит от таблет.
iPad Pro и M1, перфектната двойка
Благодарение на чипа M1, iPad Pro е изключително бързо устройство, което използва напреднала технология за обработка на изображения и обединена архитектура на паметта на M1. С осемядрен процесор и бърза графика можете да създавате сложни модели на разширена реалност и да играете игри с графика на конзолно ниво и високи честоти на опресняване.
В същото време, то успява да бъде тънко и леко, така че можете да го носите навсякъде със себе си без притеснение, благодарение на неговата издръжлива батерия.
Течен Retina XDR дисплей
Технологията Liquid Retina XDR дисплей гарантира изключително реалистични детайли благодарение на контраст от 1 000 000:1 за поглъщащо визуално изживяване! Той разполага с HDR редактиране на снимки и видео и ви позволява да се насладите на любимите си филми изцяло. С яркост от 1000 нита и максимална яркост от 1600 нита, както и с напреднали технологии на дисплея като P3 цветова гама, True Tone и технология ProMotion, можете да гледате изключително отзивчиви и плавни графики.
iPad Pro е първото устройство на компанията с mini-LED технология, която осигурява изключително висока яркост, тъй като те са 120 пъти по-малки от предишното поколение на светодиодите. С повече от 10 000 mini-LED-а, устройството е още по-тънко с дебелина само 6,4 мм.
Ултра широк обектив с Централна сцена
iPad Pro разполага с нова Ultra Wide камера със сензор от 12MP и ъгъл на видимост от 122 градуса, което го прави идеален за FaceTime и новата функция Center Stage, която винаги "центрира" говорителя, дори ако се движи из стаята.
С технологията Center Stage и машинното обучение можете да се движите свободно, тъй като фокусът на камерата автоматично се премества, за да ви задържи в центъра на екрана. Когато други се присъединят или напускат разговора, изгледът се разширява или увеличава автоматично.
Center Stage работи с FaceTime и други приложения за видеоконференции, за още по-иммерсивно изживяване.
Скенерът LiDAR измерва колко време отнема на светлината да се отрази от обекти, така че да може да създаде карта на дълбочината на всяко пространство, в което се намирате, и да отключи поглъщащи AR преживявания. И той работи с мощния ISP, за да фокусира изображения и видеоклипове по-точно в условия на слаба осветеност и да намали времето за заснемане.
Thunderbolt, за мощни творчески процеси.
Сега с Thunderbolt, това е най-бързият и най-универсалният порт, който някога е имал iPad. Той работи със съществуващите USB-C конектори и отваря обширна екосистема от високопроизводителни аксесоари за iPad Pro, като бързо външно съхранение, дисплеи и докинг станции. Предавайте огромни активи или дори работете с Pro Display XDR при пълна резолюция 6K.
Аксесоари за iPad Pro
Apple Pencil, Magic Keyboard и Smart Keyboard Folio разкриват още повече начини за използване на iPad Pro. Тези универсални аксесоари са създадени, за да повишат вашия труд и креативност на следващото ниво.
*(Apple Pencil, Magic Keyboard и Smart Keyboard Folio се продават отделно)
Face ID, Сензор за светлина, Барометър, Жироскоп, Акселерометър
280,6 мм
214,9 мм
6,4 мм
Важна информация
Спецификациите са събрани от официални уебсайтове на производителите. Моля, проверете спецификациите преди да продължите с окончателната си покупка. Ако забележите някакъв проблем, можете да
докладвайте го тук.
I have the tablet for about 10 months! I use it for both "home use" and for eshop operation! It's awesome! It doesn't lag at all! And it has amazing speed! My sister works at the same eshop from a new computer and it takes her double or triple the time to upload! It's great for watching movies!
The only issue I have faced so far is its weight! But it was something I knew from the beginning! But I was more interested in having a bigger screen since I'm relatively clumsy! The tablet is a beast!! And I believe it will last me for years!
It is a tablet. I don't use it professionally with a pen and such... I only use it for apps instead of my phone at home. It doesn't lag, but I don't think it's worth the thousand euros they ask for... perfect screen, medium weight, loud speakers but not perfect sound. I believe it needs a pen and the case with the keyboard is necessary for it to work more comprehensively. The battery lasts well for the use I give it.
Obviously, 1 star is not a fair evaluation for this product. It is definitely a tablet that will do everything you want and expect from it. However, I could never have imagined at the time of purchase that the tablet does not have built-in GPS, which means it cannot be used by a large majority of people who need this specific feature. Even if it is connected to a hotspot, all location tracking applications (such as Google Maps, etc.) cannot function properly. In order to have this "awesome advantage" (the GPS feature), one would have to purchase the cellular version. (Just to compare, I should mention that two Android tablets that I own, each costing less than 300 euros, have this specific function, although this does not mean that all Android devices are equipped with GPS). This seems unthinkable to me and once again confirms that with this company, you can never be sure that you won't have unpleasant surprises, even if you pay a lot of money for one of their products. The tablet was purchased for 1100 euros, which I generally consider to be a significant amount of money for what it overall offers, and I believe that the competition can offer plenty of alternatives for half the price or even less (assuming, of course, that you are not committed to a specific operating system). However, if someone saintly buys my used tablet, I will light a candle equal to its worth!
Bought from the Apple Store in Miami 2 months ago. I have discontinued the MacBook Air. It is extremely fast with amazing sound and a stunning screen (12.9). It has 2 external 4TB hard drives permanently connected to it and runs them flawlessly. The hub you will get plays a role. The first one constantly disconnected and did not load the second drive!
Owner here for about a month. I will write my opinion to help potential buyers.
- Display. Top-notch. It is an IPS LED at 120Hz, with variable refresh rate. Its colors are so beautiful that you can't tell if it's IPS or OLED. The resolution is sufficient to have detail on the screen. Truly excellent. The 11" size, which I got, balances portability and practicality. If someone wants to use it for drawing or design, they might consider the 12.9" model.
- Sound. Very high quality. The tablet has 4 speakers, resulting in full, rich, and good volume sound. The clarity is also excellent. I don't think there will be even one person out there who will legitimately complain about the sound of the tablet.
- Processor-performance. It has the M1 processor. The same one found in Macbook Air. Do I need to write anything else? It is the most powerful (by far) tablet available today. There is no chance of it getting stuck no matter what the user does for many years to come.
- Menu-functions. The ipadOS is a modified version of iOS for the company's tablets. It is lightweight and fast. In combination with the processor, it flies. The only issue I have is that it is "a bit" too much for such a processor. This tablet could work with MacOS. Apple insists on ipadOS to prevent Macbook sales from dropping. It's a shame, but I don't hold it against them. Apple has made several moves lately to position the operating system between smartphones and Macbooks.
- Battery. The main culprit for battery consumption (the screen) works correctly and adjusts its refresh rate accordingly. The battery lasts a full day of heavy usage easily. Even with heavy gaming. I have no complaints.
- Design-build quality. The device is slim, sturdy, and elegant. It has a magnet and contact for the Apple pencil, and there are several cases on the market that magnetically attach to the tablet. It operates at very high levels of quality.
Overall, for me, it is the top tablet on the market. I would recommend it to those who primarily need a tablet for work. For others, there are cheaper options available. I am 100% satisfied with my purchase.
Имам го от 6 месеца. Не очаквах да почти замени лаптопа ми. Бърз е, с голям 12,9-инчов екран и теглото му не ме притеснява. Свързал съм го с клавиатура Logitech и мога да правя почти всичко. Ако ви трябва за работа, струва си парите, които харчите. Ако го искате само за сърфиране в интернет, игри и прекарване на времето, не бих харчил толкова много пари. Има много по-достъпни варианти с Android.
След 6 месеца с iPad Pro 12.9 M1 256GB 5G Space Grey и след като го напълних с около 10 филми във Full HD формат, които импортирах, реших да премина към M1 1TB 5G (винаги, защото няма смисъл да вземете iPad Pro без него, по-добре вземете MacBook Air), не толкова за капацитета на съхранение, а за 16GB RAM, които го правят готов за бъдещето. Това е компютър/таблет за следващото десетилетие. Като клиент на Apple, благодарение на iPad, е очевидно, че това е най-добрият ежедневен инструмент за всичко. Целият хардуер (говорители, дисплей mini-LED 1000nits, алуминиев корпус) е от високо качество. 4 звезди са за високата цена и трудността при намирането му... Скоростите и плавността са невероятни, нула забавяне, и накрая ще мога да съхранявам всичките си работни PDF файлове в паметта му, благодарение на изключителния капацитет, както и стари видеоклипове на децата си. Също така мога с увереност да инсталирам колкото искам приложения, дори ако не ги използвам интензивно. Особено за професионалисти, дизайнери или видео създатели, капацитетите от 1 или 2TB са от съществено значение, винаги в комбинация с 16GB RAM. Ако сте запознати с Apple средата, ще можете да работите удобно, благодарение на големия екран, капацитета и 5G. За потребител, фокусиран върху функционалността, употребимостта и който не се интересува от спецификации, смятам, че това е дългосрочен избор.
I use it professionally for designs in Procreate, Adobe programs, and other design programs (Affinity Designer, Tayasui Sketches, Paper, Bamboo Paper) and it's perfect. The screen size is large, so if you're going to use the iPad for simple tasks (e.g. just browsing pages, Facebook, etc.), it won't be convenient for you.
Personally, even if the screen size becomes even larger in the future, I would gladly buy a 15" iPad. I don't care about its portability; I only want it for drawing. However, it is lightweight for traveling.
If you're not interested in something like that, try the 11" model or even the simpler one (iPad Air) so that you can hold it more easily in your hands.
I would advise you to definitely buy a case to protect it and a stand to support it on your desk. If you're using it for drawing, I recommend a stand with adjustable tilt to make drawing easier.
256GB is enough for me, as I always transfer the files I'm interested in to Dropbox and then to my computer and external backup drives.
-The only thing that confused me as a user of other iPads is the keyboard layout; it takes a little time to get used to.
iPad Pro 12.9 - 2021 - M1 чипсет
Много бърз, изумително качество на изработката и изключително красив. Много добра резолюция на екрана.
Малко трудно за използване поради теглото си (12.9), за нещо напълно преносимо, изберете този с 11-инчов екран.
M1 чипът е наистина много бърз!
I am an amazing tool as a graphic designer, owner of the 12.9 with the M1 128GB with 8GB RAM (only the 1TB and 2TB have 16GB RAM). I use it every day at the office, easily transferring files from Procreate with Airdrop to my Mac. I have access to Affinity Designer and Photo, and I don't use Adobe programs because they have subscriptions and half of the features are missing. For videos, Luma Fusion is like Final Cut for the iPad and it handles everything with super fast 4K codec rendering. Procreate 5.2 is awesome with the ability to import .obj files so you can add color and graphics to your 3D file. It has new features and color palettes with the ability to categorize them by name, and the best part is the memory brushes that allow you to save the thickness of the brush you use for contouring, for example, after you finish, you can return to contouring. Mini LED is amazing with a little blooming, image quality close to OLED levels without burn-in. The speakers are incredible, I have no words, they make browsing, music streaming, and even taking notes enjoyable
I mainly use it for work and I have to say it's excellent. The screen is perfect, the speed is out of this world, as well as the battery. I haven't used the rear camera so I can't give an opinion, but the front one works perfectly for conference meetings (although I think it makes me look heavier). If you want a good machine, you can get it blindly. I connected it with a Ugreen Type-C hub and with an HDMI cable I can watch Apple TV on the TV.
The only downside is that the keyboard has a different layout than the iPhone and it confuses a bit when typing
It's like having a computer in the palm of your hand, you can literally do everything. I bought it because I generally like Apple and I wanted something bigger than a phone for my work, seminars, speeches, etc. that has this environment. I got the 1TB version that also has more RAM. I wanted it to use it as an external hard drive as well. I use it every day, all day, and it hasn't disappointed me. You get what you pay for, right...?
It is a fantastic machine. With the stylus, it is amazing. It is quite expensive, but whether we like it or not, it is worth the money with the processing power it offers. I use it just like my previous iPad, mainly for professional purposes, CAD and 3D programs, and it is on another level. I have replaced my laptop. It needs additional software, but it is worth it in terms of space and portability. It definitely needs a case, which can also serve as a stand. It is too big to hold in your hand. The screen is from another galaxy. The speakers too. I have nothing negative to say. It also has handwriting recognition in Greek, with an application from the AppStore. However, do not get it if you do not want to work on it. Not necessarily heavy work, but if you just want a tablet for watching videos, internet, and music, it is not worth spending so much money, unless you have it and do not care. Incredibly powerful though. Very satisfied.
Mετά από ένα μήνα ενδελεχούς σκέψης και αφού κατάφερα να πουλήσω το iPad Pro 12.9 2018 256 4G Space Grey που είχα, ήμουν από τους τυχερούς που απέκτησαν το νέο iPad Pro 12.9 256 5G 5th generation από την πρώτη μέρα της άτυπης κυκλοφορίας του στην Ελλάδα. Οι διαφορές από το (πολύ καλό) μοντέλο του 2018 είναι εμφανείς. Ο πρώτος λόγος της αναβάθμισης, είναι η μαγεία της mini-LED οθόνης η οποία διακρίνεται ακόμα και στις καθημερινές, απλές δραστηριότητες (σαφάρι, σημειώσεις, ζωγραφική, φωτογραφίες) χωρίς να χρειάζεται να τη δεις σε περιεχόμενο ΗDR. Το επίπεδο του μαύρου είναι πλέον σε ανώτερο επίπεδο και τα χρώματα είναι πιο ζωντανά σε όλες τις εφαρμογές. Η συσκευή έχει ένα πιο απαλό smooth ενώ σε κάποιες περιπτώσεις διακρίνεται η πρόσθετη δύναμη της, ανοίγοντας τις εφαρμογές πιο ομαλά. Προσωπικά σε μένα δεν έχει εμφανίσει φαινόμενα blooming.
Ο δεύτερος λόγος που με ώθησε να αναβαθμίσω ήταν ο επεξεργαστής Μ1. Για κάποιον που το iPad Pro είναι η κύρια συσκευή χρήσης, είναι αρκετά δελεαστική η αίσθηση να έχεις επεξεργαστή κλάσεως υπολογιστή, με 8 πυρήνες απόδοσης, 8 πυρήνες γραφικών και μνήμη RAM 8GB, όση και τα βασικά MAcBook Pro 13 και MAcBook Air!
Ο τρίτος λόγος, αλλά εξίσου σημαντικός ήταν το γεγονός πως η σχεδίαση δεν άλλαξε, κάτι που επιτρέπει να χρησιμοποιώ το Magic Keyboard που έχω από πέρυσι, καθώς και την εξαιρετική μαγνητική θήκη ESR (υπάρχουν αξιολογήσεις μου στα προϊόντα αυτά στο Skroutz). Να σημειωθεί πως παρά του ότι χρησιμοποιώ τον Spigen iPad Pro 12.9 screen protector στην οθόνη, το Magic Keyboard κλείνει καλά, καταβάλλοντας ελάχιστη προσπάθεια. Ωστόσο δεν κλείνει με την Pitaka θήκη, η οποία μπορεί να προσαρμοστεί κατά το δυνατό και να καταστεί λειτουργική με το Magic Keyboard ανοιχτό.
Για τους λόγους αυτούς, επέλεξα την αναβάθμιση από το iPad Pro 12.9 2018, προκειμένου να έχω μία λειτουργική συσκευή που έχει αναχθεί πλέον σε υπολογιστή και θα με εξυπηρετήσει σε όλες μου τις δραστηριότητες για πάνω από 5 χρόνια.
Τα 4 αστέρια είναι για την υψηλή τιμή του.
Ωστόσο για εμένα προσωπικά, παραμένει η κορυφαία και πιο χρηστική υβριδική συσκευή παγκοσμίως, αφού συνδυάζει τα χαρακτηριστικά τάμπλετ, υπεφορητού υπολογιστή σε συνδυασμό με το magic keyboard και καμβά για σημειώσεις/σχεδίαση. Ξεκινά δηλαδή από ένα φορητό τάμπλετ, ανάγεται σε χρηστικό netbook και καθίσταται ένας φορητός 13αρης υπολογιστής.
Στο οικοσύστημα της Apple, είναι η κύρια συσκευή μου. Προσωπικά είμαι πελάτης της Apple από τo iPad.
Η λειτουργία center stage καθώς και η απόδοση της εμπρόσθιας κάμερας, είναι από τα εντυπωσιακά του χαρακτηριστικά. Ωστόσο, ακόμα και τα μοντέλα του 2018 και του 2020, είναι απόλυτα επιτεύγματα τεχνολογίας και ειδικά τώρα που είναι σε καλές τιμές, αποτελούν ευκαιρία.
Ολοκληρώνοντας, το συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα εφόσον το προορίζετε για υβριδική χρήση, όπως εγώ. Αν έχετε το μοντέλο του 2018 και έχετε τη δυνατότητα να διαθέσετε τη διαφορά, αξίζει τον κόπο - αν και θα δυσκολευτείτε να το πουλήσετε στη σωστή τιμή αναλογικά με την τρέχουσα αξία του, δεδομένου πως η ελληνική αγορά δεν έχει αφομοιώσει ακόμα την κουλτούρα των συσκευών αυτών. Αν έχετε το 2020, οι λόγοι αναβάθμισης είναι λιγότεροι.
Αν και το WWDC event της Apple δεν μας αποκάλυψε τις ποθούμενες αναβαθμίσεις σε εφαρμογές και χρηστικότητα, ωστόσο με τις software δυνατότητες του νέου iPadOS, μπορεί κανείς να απολαμβάνει το iPad Pro 12.9 5th gen, στα μικρά καθημερινά πράγματα που επιτελεί στον υπέρτατο βαθμό!