The humidifier can become dangerous to our health if it does not have antibacterial technology or if we neglect to empty the water that has remained in the humidifier's tank for many days.
The reason is that when the humidifier is not in operation and the water remains stagnant, bacteria begin to develop. Bacteria multiply rapidly as stagnant water provides the ideal environment for their growth. When we turn the humidifier back on, the bacteria-contaminated water will be released into our space in the form of mist. The risk of respiratory infections is quite high, especially if there are children and vulnerable groups in the space.
Boneco has developed the unique antibacterial technology Ionic Silver Stick to ensure that the water will be free of bacteria even when the humidifier is not in operation. The Silver Stick is a silver rod. Silver has the property of preventing bacteria from growing. Note that the silver stick is not inside the water tank but at the bottom of the humidifier, which also contains water. In all Boneco devices, it is not necessary to ever empty the water at the bottom of the humidifier as it is protected by the Silver Stick. We only need to renew the water in the humidifier's tank.