A healthy lifestyle includes not only the use of nutrient-rich foods but also adhering to all the rules of their thermal processing during cooking. For this, it is important to purchase high-quality cookware. Today, it is presented in the market in a vast variety and differs both in material and design.
There are certain things to consider when choosing cookware.
- Thermal conductivity - Some metals are better conductors of heat than others.
- Durability - Some types of cookware maintain their good appearance and last longer than others. Stainless steel is considered one of the best in this regard.
- Reactivity - Some metals react with certain foods. Aluminum, for example, tends to react with tomatoes and other acidic dishes. This means your food may actually absorb some of the metal, so be careful with your cookware choices and make sure you know the reactivity of each product.
- Non-stick - If you want a low-fat diet, i.e., cooking without adding oil and fats, then a good solution would be to purchase non-stick cookware. This particular cookware could be made of cast aluminum to combine the advantages of cast iron, a non-stick cookware but without the weight of cast iron cookware.