Water Repellents

Durostick Nano Proof Ceramic DS-270 Yδαταπωθητικό Σοβά, Μπετόν, Πήλινων & Πέτρινων Επιφανειών 0.75lt

Nanomolecular technology product, water-based, suitable for waterproofing vertical and horizontal surfaces, in both outdoor and indoor spaces. Recommended for application on porous substrates such as...

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Nanomolecular technology product, water-based, suitable for waterproofing vertical and horizontal surfaces, in both outdoor and indoor spaces. Recommended for application on porous substrates such as tiles, absorbent cotto-type tiles, concrete, plaster, drywall, natural stones, as well as clay and ceramic materials and objects. It deeply adheres to the pores...

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from 5,49 €

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  1. Nano Proof Ceramic DS-270 Yδαταπωθητικό Σοβά, Μπετόν, Πήλινων & Πέτρινων Επιφανειών 0.75lt

    Store products
    6,30 €

  2. Nano Proof Ceramic DS-270 Yδαταπωθητικό Σοβά, Μπετόν, Πήλινων & Πέτρινων Επιφανειών 0.75lt

    Store products
    6,60 €

  3. 6,50 €

  4. Nano Proof Ceramic DS-270 Yδαταπωθητικό Σοβά, Μπετόν, Πήλινων & Πέτρινων Επιφανειών 0.75lt

    Store information
    6,60 €

  5. Nano Proof Ceramic DS-270 Yδαταπωθητικό Σοβά, Μπετόν, Πήλινων & Πέτρινων Επιφανειών 0.75lt

    Store products
    7,20 €

  6. 5,50 €

  7. 6,60 €

  8. 6,50 €

  9. 5,49 €

  10. 7,50 €

  11. Nano Proof Ceramic DS-270 Yδαταπωθητικό Σοβά, Μπετόν, Πήλινων & Πέτρινων Επιφανειών 0.75lt

    Store products
    7,10 €

  12. Nano Proof Ceramic DS-270 Yδαταπωθητικό Σοβά, Μπετόν, Πήλινων & Πέτρινων Επιφανειών 0.75lt

    Store products
    6,50 €

  13. Nano Proof Ceramic DS-270 Yδαταπωθητικό Σοβά, Μπετόν, Πήλινων & Πέτρινων Επιφανειών 0.75lt

    Store products
    6,60 €

  14. Nano Proof Ceramic DS-270 Yδαταπωθητικό Σοβά, Μπετόν, Πήλινων & Πέτρινων Επιφανειών 0.75lt

    Store products
    6,60 €

  15. 6,79 €

  16. Nano Proof Ceramic DS-270 Yδαταπωθητικό Σοβά, Μπετόν, Πήλινων & Πέτρινων Επιφανειών 0.75lt

    Store information
    6,00 €

  17. 6,60 €

  18. Nano Proof Ceramic DS-270 Yδαταπωθητικό Σοβά, Μπετόν, Πήλινων & Πέτρινων Επιφανειών 0.75lt

    Store products
    7,50 €

  19. Nano Proof Ceramic DS-270 Yδαταπωθητικό Σοβά, Μπετόν, Πήλινων & Πέτρινων Επιφανειών 0.75lt

    Store products
    6,00 €


Nanomolecular technology product, water-based, suitable for waterproofing vertical and horizontal surfaces, in both outdoor and indoor spaces. Recommended for application on porous substrates such as tiles, absorbent cotto-type tiles, concrete, plaster, drywall, natural stones, as well as clay and ceramic materials and objects. It deeply adheres to the pores of the surfaces and imparts hydrophobic properties, without hindering their breathability. It protects them from the appearance of capillary microcracks, does not favor the growth of fungi and mold, and prevents the formation of salts. Odorless, water-based, user and environmentally friendly.


Weight (lt)
0.75 lt
Weight (kg)

Important information

Specifications are collected from official manufacturer websites. Please verify the specifications before proceeding with your final purchase. If you notice any problem you can report it here.