1st Stage: K3 - Pre-filter of activated plant fiber carbon (CarbFiber Block) with Aqualen technology and bacteriostatic silver 5 micron.
(replacement every 12 months up to 6,000 liters, depending on the quality of the network water to be processed)
2nd Stage: KH - Filter with ion exchange resin (Softening), which "softens" hard water and combats scale deposits.
(replacement every 12 months up to 6,000 liters, depending on the quality of the network water to be processed)
3rd Stage: K7 - Final purification stage, with activated plant fiber carbon filter with Aqualen technology and bacteriostatic silver 0.8 micron.
High-density CarbFiber Block with AQUALEN technology. Removes and reduces: chlorine, petroleum products, phenols, chloroform, heavy metals, mercury, pesticides, various chemical-toxins, has bacteriostatic action while improving water quality. Removes odor and improves the taste of water without removing the useful trace elements for the human body.
(replacement every 12 months up to 6,000 liters, depending on the quality of the network water to be processed)