Ecran mare de 1,2" fără margini, care oferă mai mult spațiu pentru accesarea tuturor funcțiilor sale.
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Caracteristici cheie:
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Benzile de măsurare a ritmului cardiac
Urmăritoare de activitate
Casti Bluetooth Handsfree
Cantare de baie
Huse și carcase universale pentru telefoane mobile
Benzile de măsurare a ritmului cardiac
Urmăritoare de activitate
Casti Bluetooth Handsfree
Cantare de baie
Huse și carcase universale pentru telefoane mobile
Prețurile sunt calculate pentru:Luxemburg, Alte opțiuni de plată
Galaxy Watch Active2 are un ecran mare și un aspect unic. Oferă date precise despre sănătate în orice moment al zilei.
Este destinat în principal celor care caută un smartwatch elegant și funcțional pentru utilizarea zilnică, cu funcții avansate de monitorizare a sănătății și fitnessului.
Ecran mare de 1,2" fără margini, care oferă mai mult spațiu pentru accesarea tuturor funcțiilor sale.
Galaxy Watch Active2 dispune de multiple curele în diverse culori pentru a se potrivi cu orice stil. În plus, în funcție de ținuta ta, poate ajusta aspectul feței ceasului în consecință.
Detectează și înregistrează automat date pentru șapte sporturi diferite, înotul fiind o nouă adăugare. Puteți alege detectarea manuală pentru toate celelalte activități.
Folosește detectorul de stres pentru momentele când te simți tensionat și urmează exercițiile de respirație recomandate pentru a te calma.
Senzorul de ritm cardiac este situat în centrul spatelui reproiectat al Galaxy Watch Active2. Când ritmul cardiac depășește sau scade sub limitele permise, o notificare te informează imediat.
Verifică-ți tensiunea arterială prin aplicația Samsung Health Monitor. Înainte de prima utilizare, configurează-l și senzorii vor măsura tensiunea arterială prin analiza undelor pulsului în timp ce îl porți. Poți să o monitorizezi zilnic și să primești rapoarte direct pe telefonul tău.
Cu utilizare regulată, bateria poate dura mai mult de o zi. Se încarcă wireless atunci când îl așezi pe încărcătorul magnetic, fără a fi nevoie de cabluri.
Are certificare IP68 și este rezistent la apă până la 50 de metri (nu este potrivit pentru scufundări). De asemenea, are protecție împotriva prafului și este destul de durabil în diverse condiții.
Este compatibil cu o gamă largă de dispozitive cu Android 5.0 și versiuni ulterioare, precum și cu orice iPhone cu iOS 9.0 sau mai nou.
Specificațiile sunt colectate de pe site-urile oficiale ale producătorilor. Te rugăm să verifici specificațiile înainte de a finaliza comanda. În cazul în care întâmpini probleme, raportează aici.
Extremely flexible with many functions, it almost covers what you would do (on a daily basis) with your smartphone. I didn't buy it with the main criterion being sports, but everything else, so I don't give an opinion on the accuracy of measurements, etc.
So, it has built-in memory and full Spotify autonomy (with song downloads), while Bluetooth headphones (I have the Galaxy Buds+) connect directly to it. So, for a run or a leisurely walk, you may not even need to have your phone with you. Of course, it also functions as a Spotify controller on the phone, equally convenient in my daily life as I don't take my phone out of my pocket for any reason.
It accepts calls and you can talk through it, as it has a microphone and speaker, and as I said, it also takes headphones. I have the basic version, not the LTE, so all this in collaboration with the phone always. I have used it a few times for calls, it helps a lot, again I don't need the phone. As shown in the photos, you can also respond to SMS/notifications, and even in Greek!
It takes a bunch of apps, from YouTube (although I don't see the point on such a small screen) to a browser and a completely autonomous GPS with a downloaded map of Greece. In general, it is a Swiss army knife, it is certain that you will find something to help you in your daily life or even at work (it has the Outlook app where you can read, reply, flag, etc. normally). I wish it had Alexa integration too, to control devices at home directly from the watch.
I chose it over the Galaxy Watch because it is cleaner and without a too fancy case, I have thin wrists and it probably wouldn't look nice. The strap that goes into itself and doesn't hang is a great feature, as shown in the second photo. In terms of build quality, it is sturdy and you can feel it, but I don't know how much it will withstand a hit or a fall. I take care of it like my own eyes, I even avoid water despite it being waterproof. I use it with a Samsung Galaxy S10+, it connected in seconds and has never lost, so far, the connection between the two if I stay within 10 meters.
The only clear drawback is the battery that barely lasts two days with simple use, but I imagine it is the sacrifice that had to be made for so many functions. If it fits your budget and you don't mind frequent charging, I believe it is one of the most impressive ones you will find in your hands.
Αγοράστηκε πριν 1 χρόνο, φυσιολογική χρήση, όχι άθληση και δεν έχει έρθει ποτέ σε επαφή με το νερό, ούτε για πλυσιμο χεριών.
Στο 1 χρόνο ξεκόλλησε το πίσω καπάκι που προστευτεύει τους sensors. Σε έρευνα που έκανα στο internet, είναι γνωστό πρόβλημα για το συγκεκριμένο μοντέλο. Το εξουσιοδοτημένο σερβις ανέφερε ότι δεν αλλάζει το καπάκι αλλά όλο το πίσω μέρος του ρολογιού!! Σημειωτέον ότι το συγκεκριμένο καπάκι πωλείται σε διάφορα sites του εξωτερικού περίπου στα 15-20 ευρώ!!
Στην αγορά αυτή ότι ήταν να πάει στραβά πήγε, καθώς το μαγαζί κατά την αγορά του θεώρησε καλό να το αποστείλει μόνο με την απόδειξη της ταμειακής μηχανής και για να πάρω βεβαίωση ότι η βλάβη είναι μέσα στην εγγύηση χρειάζονται φωτογραφία του κουτιού....το οποίο δυστυχώς έχει καταστραφεί.
Συμπέρασμα, ποτέ ξανά SAMSUNG και επίσης μεγάλη προσοχή στα συνοδευτικά αγοράς ενός προιόντος.
În general, este un ceas de calitate care acoperă majoritatea nevoilor zilnice. Ecran foarte bun, cu o calitate bună a atingerii și măsurători precise. Pentru vremea sa (2019), foarte avansat! Acum... în ceea ce privește bateria, ai o preocupare dacă nu-l încarci în prima noapte, dacă te va ține și a doua zi.
Precizie în măsurători, GPS foarte bun. Bateria ține 2,5 zile, dar e în regulă, îmi încarc telefonul în fiecare zi. Uitați-vă la videoclipul de comparație cu oximetru!
Stați departe... bani risipiți literalmente deoarece s-au stricat în mai puțin de jumătate de an de utilizare normală. Din păcate, această companie este doar în top la televizoare.
Am avut acesta timp de 2.5 ani și nu-mi scot telefonul din geantă la serviciu sau la cafenea. Am control total asupra apelurilor și mesajelor de pe ceasul meu. Dezavantajul este clar bateria sa cu o autonomie foarte mică. Deoarece sunt interesat în principal de utilizarea zilnică în afara casei (răspuns/efectuare apeluri, citire mesaje, ritm cardiac), îl închid după amiază și astfel bateria ține 4 zile.
Elementul negativ la ceas este bateria sa. Dacă cineva dorește să evite încărcarea acestuia la fiecare două zile, atunci ar trebui să îl aibă permanent în modul de economisire a energiei. În rest, ceasul este bun. Are o precizie bună în măsurători, o conexiune ușoară la dispozitivele mobile și un design plăcut.
I put it on for the first time. in the sea, of course not diving or long dives, don't imagine that, and the touch screen stopped working and became completely useless.
At the service I contacted, they told me that it is not waterproof in saltwater, something that was not written anywhere. Probably the screen broke, if possible, and the screen replacement costs about 140€ and another 20€ just to check it and tell me exactly what it needs.
Away from this, there are better watches with half the money
I have it for a long time and I am satisfied, but sometimes it doesn't find it and that's why I restart it and everything is fine. It is very useful, it has games so that I never get bored, I mean for children my age, 12 years old, it's perfect
I bought it on sale in Dec2021. The only concern was its water resistance due to the negative comments I had read on this list. Having used the watch daily for 6 months in the pool, shower, and (recently) in the sea, I would highly recommend it for swimming.
Never again Samsung for smart watches. The battery does not have the expected energy, the Samsung health as an application is mediocre. Also, a major disadvantage is the lack of voice command and response in Greek.
Finally, although waterproof, after a shower the right half of the touch screen does not work.
On the positive side, it has a nice minimal and elegant design.
Proprietar timp de o lună,
După configurarea inițială și după ce am pus un geam de protecție pe ecran și un capac cu o curea de silicon, atunci am început să-l folosesc.
Sunt foarte mulțumit de totul pe măsură ce lucrez cu el, desigur.
Îl am în modul de economisire a energiei și îndeplinește toate sarcinile pe care le doresc fără a fi conectat la telefon.
Doar îl conectez noaptea înainte de a adormi pentru o perioadă scurtă.
În acest fel, măsurătorile ceasului sunt transferate la telefon și am o durată a bateriei de 6 zile pe ceas.
În afara de asta, tot ce am încercat funcționează corect și conexiunile cu Galaxy Note 20 Ultra sunt imediate.
Consider că este delicat, de aceea am luat măsuri de protecție pentru el.
Pentru prețul la care l-am primit (ofertă 125 de euro), este excelent
Beautiful in appearance, but very basic in terms of sports/activity/measurement options.
It has a very limited range of activity choices for starting measurements on the watch itself. Activities such as "dance, martial arts, aerobic activity," etc. are missing.
The mobile app has more activity options, but they cannot be transferred to the watch.
Overall, it is perfect for people who casually engage in sports activities (swimming/running/cycling/walking) and do not have specific performance requirements.
The GPS and heart rate measurement functions are quite good. The signal does not get lost even in strange places like bridges, narrow streets, islands, etc., and it accurately measures heart rate even in water (pool/ocean).
The Samsung application, Samsung Health, is also very amateurish. You can only view and analyze one activity at a time, without the ability to compare, track progress, or log activities from a computer and view them through a webpage.
Good watch overall. The battery, however, is annoying to charge every day. And the step measurements count whatever they want. Otherwise, good...
I bought it in December 2020. I haven't taken it out of my hand. I am completely satisfied. It doesn't have a single scratch. It doesn't understand hits. I have even hit it on doorknobs. The battery lasts for 2 days. It doesn't bother me at all, because I'm used to it from my phone. It doesn't disconnect easily. I have to move away from the phone. I speak with great comfort from it. I am very satisfied.
Durata foarte scăzută a bateriei (în fiecare zi când înregistrez exercițiile). De asemenea, prezintă multe lacune în înregistrarea ritmului cardiac în timpul alergării. În rest, face ceea ce promite!
I cut the two stars because WHEN it is used with Xiaomi mobile, some functions do not work (oximeter, stress, and barometer that do not work anyway). These only work when you have a Galaxy mobile.
For the past 2 months, it never synchronizes with Xiaomi mobile, no matter what.
The battery is not very good, it needs to be charged almost every day. Apart from that, it is a very good smartwatch. I would recommend it, but only during sales periods.
I have had the product for 6 months!
First of all, I will say that overall it is a very good watch if your phone is Samsung.
I had the S9 and recently switched to an iPhone where the watch is simply useless, very poor connectivity, constantly needs synchronization, and all its functions are useless, for example, you can't answer calls or messages, which for me was its biggest advantage, but otherwise I am quite satisfied, I bought it in April 21 and use it every day, I don't even take it off in the bathroom, it works fine! In the end, I synchronized it again with the S9 since I didn't render the device useless, but when it breaks, I will get the equivalent of the phone I will have then!
Unul dintre cele mai bune ceasuri din categoria sa pe care le-am purtat. Este mai greu decât cel de aluminiu, dar și mai durabil în corpul său.
Când îl porți la încheietura mâinii, îți oferă o senzație plăcută fără să te obosească.
Îl recomand cu un telefon Samsung pentru o integrare perfectă a aplicațiilor și o conectivitate excelentă.
Singurul lucru negativ pe care îl găsesc este bateria sa (trebuie să o încarci la fiecare 2 zile). Durata sa de funcționare poate fi mai scurtă cu telefoanele altor companii.
Beautiful watch but unfortunately it scratches very easily, and the battery is terrible! It barely lasts a day without even using any measurements. And the charger broke its cable within six months. €25 to buy a new one just to charge a watch that ends up being useless because of the battery. What a waste of money, such a shame!
When again Samsung! The back cover came off, which is clearly a watch defect, water got in, and that's it. Samsung says it's my responsibility.. 400€ watch with only 4 months of use.
Very good watch that has everything it promises...
The negatives are:
1) its battery
2) and its frame material scratches easily... Maybe someone who gets the more expensive one with a different material would avoid this problem
I bought it about a year ago as a gift. A year later, the recipient of the gift declares very satisfied. Excellent synchronization with every device he tried, good build quality, excellent screen resolution, and countless functions (useful and non-useful). The application is excellent on a very slim wrist. The only negative is the battery life. With regular use, it lasts a maximum of three days.
I bought it used for 90 euros. I used it with a Galaxy Note 10 Plus. With all functions open, it lasts for 3 days. Obviously, with other brands, it loses synchronization and consumes battery. The aesthetic aspect is subjective, so it doesn't need commentary. Personally, I liked it because it is simple. Functionally, I was satisfied, I also made calls with decent quality. Overall, it served me well until I put it in the sea (stupidly), but how can you swim without water? Obviously, the device is not waterproof and Samsung made a mistake. Within an hour, it simply died.... I will buy it again, but I won't put it in the sea.
Αγόρασα πριν από ένα εξάμηνο περίπου το συγκεκριμένο ρολόι για να με βοηθήσει στο κομμάτι της άσκησης. Ενώ σε γενικές απόψεις είναι πολύ καλό δηλαδή, άψογη ποιότητα, οθόνη λογισμικό. Έχει το μεγαλύτερο αρνητικό το με το οποίο ξεχνάς ό,τι καλό σου προσφέρει. Μαξ 12 ώρες λειτουργείας και εννοείται κάθε λίγο και λιγάκι φόρτιση. Έχω παρατηρήσει πως χαμηλώνοντας την φωτεινότητα, βάζοντας ελαφρύ theme, χωρίς πολλά animations και info δηλαδή συν ότι απενεργοποιώ να μου μετράει συνεχώς το heartbeat εκεί ίσως κερδίζω και 5 ώρες. Πάντως μια μέρα με δυσκολία την βγάζει. Δεν προτείνω σε κανένα άτομο το οποίο συνεχώς είναι εκτός σπιτιού όπως εγώ να προβεί στην αγορά του. Καθώς θα σας μείνει από μπαταρία.
ΥΓ: ξέχασα να αναφέρω πως πολλές φορές αντιμετωίζω θέμα με τη σύνδεση μέσω bluetooth για το κινητό καθώς δεν ανταποκρίνεται σωστά η εφαρμογή.
ΥΓ1: δεν έχω samsung κινητό στην περίπτωση που θα μπορούσε να παίζει σε κάτι ρόλο.
What I don't know is if you can make payments through a watch without needing a mobile phone.
The most wasted money in my life. The battery lasts 1 day without even using it, without having BT or WiFi on. The connection with the Huawei phone is terrible and the functions are very basic for a 250 euro watch.
I have had the watch for 1 and a half years and yesterday it just went crazy. The screen doesn't work and random buttons are being pressed. A quick Google search shows that almost all these models experience this after a few months of use.
Pure disappointment from Samsung!
I also decided to write a review. I have been an Apple Watch owner from 2016 to 2019 (which worked perfectly, even with swimming in the sea, etc., but I got bored of the classic Apple designs, so I decided to sell it and get a Galaxy Watch since my spouse was very satisfied with the Gear S3 they had.
So, I bought the Active 2 on 31/12/2019, it worked fine until yesterday (the only downsides were the battery, which barely lasted from 7 in the morning until midnight, and the constant disconnection from my iPhone XR, many times I couldn't easily reconnect it).
Yesterday, on 24/6/2021, the watch started flashing and the screen went blank at some point... I haven't taken it to be checked yet to see what's wrong...
However, it hasn't been dropped.
It lasted only 1.5 years...
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
de la 229,00 € | de la 198,74 € | de la 242,00 € | de la 200,55 € | de la 105,00 € |
ProducătorSamsung | Samsung | Samsung | Samsung | Samsung |
- | Disponibil prin intermediul Skroutz | Disponibil prin intermediul Skroutz | Disponibil prin intermediul Skroutz | Disponibil prin intermediul Skroutz |
SenzoriBătăilor cardiace, Electrocardiogramă, GPS, Monitorizare a somnului, Tensiometru | Accelerometru, Barometru, Calorimetru, Contor de pași, Electrocardiogramă, GPS, Giroscop, Indicele de compoziție a corpului, Monitorizare a somnului, Tensiometru, Termometru | Accelerometru, Barometru, Calorimetru, Contor de pași, Electrocardiogramă, GPS, Giroscop, Indicele de compoziție a corpului, Monitorizare a somnului, Tensiometru, Termometru | Accelerometru, Barometru, Busolă, Bătăilor cardiace, Calorimetru, Contor de pași, Electrocardiogramă, GPS, Giroscop, Indicele de compoziție a corpului, Monitorizare a somnului, Oximetru | Accelerometru, Barometru, Busolă, Bătăilor cardiace, Calorimetru, Contor de pași, Electrocardiogramă, GPS, Giroscop, Indicele de compoziție a corpului, Monitorizare a somnului, Oximetru |
Mai multe specificații |