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Straight barbell for weights from the company Force USA. This is the classic and most common type of barbell. Accepts weight plates with an inner diameter (hole in the center of the weight) of 50mm. All barbells that accept 50mm diameter weight plates are characterized as Olympic barbells. They are more durable than conventional barbells and are suitable for weightlifters.
Ausgewählter Laden
Lagerbestand 3 Stück
Hantelscheiben für Krafttraining
Hanteln & Langhantelverschlüsse
Die Preise werden berechnet für:Luxemburg, Andere Zahlungsoptionen
Straight barbell for weights from the company Force USA. This is the classic and most common type of barbell. Accepts weight plates with an inner diameter (hole in the center of the weight) of 50mm. All barbells that accept 50mm diameter weight plates are characterized as Olympic barbells. They are more durable than conventional barbells and are suitable for weightlifters.
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