
Nike Air Max 97 Men's Sneakers Black

Key features:

  • ανθεκτικό και άνετο
  • αντικραδασμική προστασία
  • low-cut σχεδιασμός
  • τέλεια πρόσφυση
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The product is not available at Skroutz Last updated: about 2 months ago


Τα Nike Air Max 97 διατηρούν τις ίδιες σχεδιαστικές λεπτομέρειες που ανέδειξαν το αρχικό μοντέλο σε αγαπημένο sneaker και το έκαναν διάσημο: κυματιστές γραμμές, ανακλαστικό σιρίτι και αντικραδασμική προστασία Max Air σε όλο το μήκος.


Αυτό το στυλ από τα τέλη της δεκαετίας του 1990 αντιπροσωπεύει την εποχή της εντυπωσιακής σχεδίασης με φουτουριστική προσέγγιση. Χάρη στις ανακλαστικές, χυτές γραμμές, τους ασημένιους τόνους που παραπέμπουν στα ιαπωνικά τρένα μεγάλης ταχύτητας (Bullet Trains) και την αντικραδασμική προστασία Max Air σε όλο το μήκος σε μία από τις πρώτες εφαρμογές της, αυτό το παπούτσι συνεχίζει να μαγνητίζει τα βλέμματα. Κυκλοφόρησε για πρώτη φορά το 1997. Από τότε έχει κυκλοφορήσει σε πληθώρα χρωμάτων με τα πιο αγαπημένα να είναι το ασημί που ήταν και το χρώμα του λανσαρίσματος και φυσικά το χρυσό που κυκλοφόρησε λίγο αργότερα.

Air Max

Η επαναστατική μονάδα αερόσολας της Nike άρχισε να χρησιμοποιείται στα παπούτσια Nike από το 1978. Το 1987 παρουσιάστηκε για πρώτη φορά το Nike Air Max 1 με ορατή αερόσολα στη φτέρνα, που επέτρεπε στους θαυμαστές του μοντέλου όχι μόνο να αισθάνονται, αλλά και να βλέπουν αυτήν την πρωτοποριακή τεχνολογία. Δύο χρόνια αργότερα, το Nike Air Max 95 έκανε την εμφάνισή του με ορατή αερόσολα στο μπροστινό μέρος, ενώ το Nike Air Max 97 κυκλοφόρησε με την πρώτη μονάδα σε όλο το μήκος. Το παπούτσι έγινε το αγαπημένο μοντέλο των δρομέων, όπως αναμενόταν από τις κυματιστές σχεδιαστικές γραμμές του. Περισσότερο από δύο δεκαετίες μετά, εξακολουθεί να ταράζει τα νερά.


  • Επάνω μέρος από δέρμα, συνθετικό υλικό ή ύφασμα, ανάλογα με το χρώμα
  • Σόλα από αφρό με αντικραδασμική προστασία Max Air
  • Εξωτερική σόλα από καουτσούκ



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7 out of 9 members found this review helpful

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Beautiful, not very comfortable at first but after a little use they fit better, the price is a bit steep in my opinion for the quality, my son wears them often for less than a year and they have already started to wear out.

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20 out of 40 members found this review helpful

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I wear size 39-40 and this specific shoe in size 40 hurt me a lot without even walking a long distance. This never happens to me with other athletic shoes. It is uncomfortable for me and does not fit well in general. Especially considering the price they have, they are not worth it at all.

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  • Value for money
  • Do they hit the foot?
  • They do not have the expected size
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  • mariovelo177

    Verified purchase

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    The shoes are perfect but they are a bit expensive

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    • They don't hit the foot
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  • xrumdu6_MAND
    3 out of 3 members found this review helpful
    This review is about the colour: White

    Terrible quality, nothing like the shoes from back then. Uncomfortable, bad for walking. They wear out relatively quickly, narrow fit. Good for the price, I won't even discuss it, there are far superior shoes. Nice beauty and memories, but these are among the worst shoes I have ever purchased.

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  • Pablolaso
    4 out of 6 members found this review helpful
    This review is about the colour: Multicolour

    3 stars and I put a lot for such an expensive shoe.. personally, they didn't fit me and overall their price is definitely excessive..

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    • They don't hit the foot
    • Comfort
    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
    • They do not correspond exactly to their size
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  • Rospi88
    6 out of 7 members found this review helpful
    This review is about a variation of the product

    The price is simply unbeatable, they have ripped it off if you go to the Nike website you get them cheaper and without shipping costs, not for free cheaper I say again !!!

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    • Do they have the expected size?
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  • anch.xx
    3 out of 4 members found this review helpful
    This review is about the colour: White

    These are truly the most beautiful shoes I have ever bought. I wore them for 2-3 years on a daily basis, they served me incredibly well and obviously I wore them out. The paint from the lines faded almost completely and the sole underneath started to come apart. In general, they start to yellow after a while because the paint oxidizes. Although expensive, I will definitely buy them again at some point.

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  • petroulamitoli
    1 out of 8 members found this review helpful

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    This review is about the colour: White

    Excellent service from the collaborating store and the product as expected! Very satisfied :)

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  • iak_gia
    17 out of 18 members found this review helpful
    This review is about a variation of the product

    Daily use only for walking and after 5-6 months they have started to fall apart. Short lifespan! Unjustifiable price. Made in Vietnam.

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  • Basilhs131
    3 out of 7 members found this review helpful

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    This review is about the colour: White

    Beautiful shoe really, especially for the summer, just what you need. They are narrow, so definitely go for half a size bigger and you'll be fine. A bit pricey but you get what you pay for.

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    • Construction quality
    • Durability
    • Value for money
    • Comfort
    • They do not correspond exactly to their size
    • Do they hit the foot a little?
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  • leo99
    30 out of 31 members found this review helpful
    This review is about a variation of the product

    In 1998 when I first bought them (they were expensive), they had much better quality and lasted for 5 years. In 2021, I bought them again at a high price, but with inferior quality, they have already started to open up. Unfortunately, as the years go by, the shoes are made more fake without the price decreasing.

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  • George_Noir
    4 out of 8 members found this review helpful
    This review is about a variation of the product

    Very nice and stylish shoes that go with every outfit.. but they could have been a little cheaper! (The price of the shoe is a bit excessive if you think that we wear shoes and they wear out a little every time).

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  • kontesisdimitris
    7 out of 11 members found this review helpful
    This review is about the colour: White

    It's perfect for strolling and lounging... not even for sports... it's purely a lifestyle shoe and nothing else... the 180-170 euros it costs is a shame... it should be sold for 130-140 Max, but anyway, whoever has 180 euros to spare for shoes can buy them

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  • Manthos_Voutsinas
    3 out of 7 members found this review helpful

    Φοβερό παπούτσι το Nike air Max 97 διαχρονικό και ότι πρέπει για βόλτα
    Αξίζει τα λεφτά του το καλύτερο παπούτσι που έχει βγάλει η Nike και το πιο εμπορεύσιμο απο όλες τις σειρές air max.

    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
    • Durability
    • Comfort
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  • George_Mavrakis67
    8 out of 13 members found this review helpful
    This review is about a variation of the product

    Amazing shoes...there are no others like these!!! But the price is a bit steep...they could be a little cheaper

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  • Canedra
    67 out of 83 members found this review helpful
    This review is about the colour: White

    I had them in '97 and I still have them now, the worst shoe I've ever had in terms of comfort but at the same time the most beautiful. The air sole is the biggest gimmick of all time when you have tried ultraboost, etc. and the plastic construction looks completely cheap. Unjustifiably overpriced shoe from another era with timeless beauty. I bought them only because I found them for €120. +1 star for beauty, +1 for nostalgia, total 3. This shoe screams PASOK ;-)

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  • Panagiotis_P1787
    10 out of 11 members found this review helpful
    This review is about the colour: White

    The shoe is even cuter in person than in pictures. I saw in another review that they are not comfortable after a while. I noticed this in the first week as well, but over time, the sole took the shape of my foot and now they are extremely comfortable. Overall, the white color of this shoe requires attention as it stains easily. The initial price of 179€ is quite high, but luckily I managed to get them for 130€, which I consider a reasonable price. I would recommend it at 130€, but not at the original price. As mentioned before, the shoe is stylish, but with time and some carelessness, it can become visually unattractive due to wear and tear. You can pair it with countless outfits and it will continue to steal the show

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  • xristbr7
    5 out of 7 members found this review helpful
    This review is about a variation of the product

    Very good shoe, I started by buying one pair and from now on I will only buy this model. They are worth their money (165€), but they could be a little more durable on the sole because it turns yellow over time and doesn't clean easily

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  • Νικος Πατελης
    9 out of 14 members found this review helpful

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    This review is about a variation of the product

    These shoes are simply incredibleeeee!

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  • Kostas_Kalafatas
    3 out of 7 members found this review helpful
    This review is about the colour: White

    What can I say... incredible sneaker that matches with all styles, comfortable, high quality shoes that you love

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  • ptr.
    17 out of 102 members found this review helpful
    This review is about the colour: White

    Whoever wants a comfortable shoe, just buy an Adidas Ultra Boost and you will remember me. This particular shoe doesn't match it in appearance or comfort.

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  • Ang_Ath
    11 out of 42 members found this review helpful

    Βαρυ παπουτσι.. Δεν αναπνεει το ποδι. Γενικα εχουν κατι περιεργο σε εφαρμογή. Και αυτα και τα ultra απο τις χειροτερες αγορες μου

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  • Angelos522
    25 out of 32 members found this review helpful
    This review is about the colour: White

    Whatever you say about this series is not enough. Sneakerheads know. You get what you pay for in terms of quality. It's not easy to find shoes at this level of construction, even at the same price or more expensive. Just if you have wide feet, it might bother you on the top part. Of course, you can solve the problem if you have them very loose. (I don't recommend it, it overflows the shoe and looks bad on the foot) I wish I could get all the colors.

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    • Comfort
    • Weight
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  • This review is about a variation of the product

    Very nice shoe but also expensive, lasts 2 years and then starts to break down

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  • This review is about a variation of the product

    The worst I have ever bought and for their price they are not worth it at all, I am disappointed, what a shame

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  • 5
    Store representative

    Verified purchase

    This review is about the colour: White

    Very good. Quality - price ratio.

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  • 2
    1 out of 1 members found this review helpful

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    This review is about a variation of the product

    Really the most beautiful shoe but what can you do with it? Unfortunately, the quality has dramatically declined!

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  • 1
    1 out of 2 members found this review helpful
    This review is about a variation of the product

    They arrived but liars

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  • 1
    1 out of 1 members found this review helpful

    Verified purchase

    This review is about the colour: White

    Very good quality, heavy shoes and feel fake. They look nice but they are not worth their price.

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    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
    • Do they hit the foot?
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  • Verified purchase

    Good purchase, although overpriced !!!

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  • They are quite heavy shoes, but if you want to get them for going out for coffee, they are worth their money

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    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
    • Durability
    • They don't hit the foot
    • Do they have the expected size?
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