---Dark Souls Remastered:
At first, I thought that the graphics would bother me and I was considering not playing it. Big mistake! It's an amazing game worthy of the big productions of this generation.
Graphics: The graphics are designed to give you the feeling of a dark, "rotten" world. They are different from anything I've seen and for that reason, they gave me a nice feeling. They are not as detailed as today's games, but even that contributes to the overall image and feel of the game.
Gameplay: It gives us many options on how to fight, giving us a wide range of weapons, shields, armor (4 pieces), magic, and more that we can combine in any way we want. It has a great variety of regular enemies and bosses, making it non-monotonous. The difficulty level is high and you will definitely get stuck in some areas for hours, but as you progress, you will look back and they will seem easy to you.
Story: It has conversations with NPCs where you get information about the world, and from each item, you can learn things, but if you don't delve into it, you will only understand the basics because it has a lot of depth.
Music: Beautiful pieces with great variety. My favorites were:
Firelink Shrine
Great Gray Wolf Sif
Dark Sun Gwyndolin
Gwyn Lord Of Cinder
Nameless Song
Some sounded similar, but overall it is an amazing production {play time: 50 hours (without DLC)} [offline mode]. Overall, I give it a 9/10 because it is an incredible game and has replay value.
---dark souls 2:
It is a nice new experience after the first one, in a new world. It is noticeably larger in size, with more areas and bosses. The game as a whole focuses more on quantity rather than quality, with few bosses and areas that truly stood out. It is definitely the weakest in the series, but I can't call it bad. Despite its flaws, the game has its good moments that are enough to recommend it. Don't miss it!
Music: The music production is noticeably different from the first DS and does not disappoint. My favorites were:
The Pursuer
Overall, it gave you a complete DS experience with interesting elements and bosses, and with some beautiful areas that will leave an impression {play time: 46 hours 12 minutes (without DLC)} [offline mode]. Overall, I give it an 8/10.
---dark souls 3:
Compared to the previous two, it has a significantly higher difficulty level that meets the expectations of those looking for a challenge. It offers faster gameplay with great variety and differentiation in areas, enemies, equipment, and especially bosses, giving a fresh breath to the recipe of Souls.
Music: The music production was nice with some variation from the previous ones. My favorites were:
Dark souls III
firelink shrine
Secret Betrayal
Dancer of the boreal valley
Sister Friede
For the dark soul
It is the most well-crafted of the series, better in all aspects except for two, which are the music and the aesthetically pleasing areas (it doesn't have an ash lake like DS1 or any other iconic area that leaves you in awe). It is equally a good experience, so I give it a 9. In terms of music, it didn't surpass the first one in terms of pieces that leave an impression and it didn't provide visually stunning areas {play time: 33 hours (without DLC)} [offline mode].
Games require dedication, patience, and experimentation.
Advice: DO NOT sell/use any boss souls and in ds3, do not give anything in general if you're going for platinum. In ds1, after the final boss, it immediately throws you into ng+. Complete the DLC earlier.
---ds1 dlc: It has a different but nice feel to the world with very nice bosses (4 bosses). The areas are good but I wasn't blown away. The bosses are awesome and iconic.
---ds2 dlc: It has 3 DLCs, although at first when I tried them, I didn't like them, I was pleasantly surprised when I played them again. I didn't expect them to be so different in the philosophy of world design with so many new ideas. A very pleasant change after the main game.
---ds3 dlc: Two masterpieces, difficult, beautiful, and with incredible bosses. Do not ignore them, you will not be disappointed.
After several hours and playthroughs, I managed to get all 3 platinum.