Teaching Aid Books


This book serves as an aid for the course "Modern Greek Literature Texts" for the first year of high school.

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This book serves as an aid for the course "Modern Greek Literature Texts" for the first year of high school.

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  30. 13,43 €

  31. 13,43 €

  32. 15,22 €

  33. 16,11 €

  34. 16,11 €

  35. 14,05 €

  36. 16,71 €

  37. 13,42 €


This book serves as an aid for the course "Modern Greek Literature Texts" for the first year of high school.

It analyzes all the texts included in the school textbook, while also taking into account the new teaching framework of the course based on the units "Genders in Literature" and "Tradition and Modernism in Modern Greek Poetry".


Teaching Aid Books
Educational Institute
General Education
School Class
1st Grade
Modern Greek Literature
Soft Cover

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