I didn't have the chance to play this specific franchise during the PS3 era and finally I had the opportunity, 3 years ago.
At 10-20 euros, it is definitely a purchase that someone should make regardless of the console they have (PS4-PS5). Especially for those who love exploration, mystery, traveling to different places, puzzles, and adventure, get it YESTERDAY. I consider it one of the best trilogies ever created for the Playstation.
I will write brief reviews for the 3 games:
1. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
The great beginning but also the weakest of the series. A decent game.
- Nice storyline
- Well-written characters
- Fantastic landscapes
- Excellent visuals
- Good soundtrack
- Puzzles
- Average gameplay
- Poor mechanics. Many times I aimed at a specific point to make a jump as I climbed a spot and ended up dying.
- Many enemies (goes hand in hand with the average gameplay).
2. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Here, the word "epic" is not enough to describe this specific sequel. By far the best Uncharted game in the Nathan Drake Collection.
- If the storyline of the first game was 7/10, Among Thieves is a 10/10 with emphasis.
- The characters are more realistic than ever.
- The landscapes are stunning compared to the first game.
- Fantastic visuals.
- Better-crafted soundtrack.
- The cinematography of the second game is incredible even today.
- Excellent puzzles.
- Fantastic gameplay and mechanics.
- The scenes are unbelievable.
Are there any? I don't know. I believe that Among Thieves has no negatives. I could mention the excessive enemies, but you can justify it due to the title.
3. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Some consider it a step below or equal to the second game. I consider it a notch below.
- The scenes have reached a point of exaggeration and you are left speechless with what you see.
- The soundtrack is FLAWLESS and the best in the trilogy.
- Tremendous graphics.
- Nice puzzles.
- Excellent cinematography.
- Great characters, as always.
- If the gameplay and mechanics of the second game were 10/10, here they deserve 10/10 with golden letters.
- The landscapes are stunning, especially in the desert.
- Nice storyline, but cannot be compared to the second game.
- Exaggeration. Personally, it didn't bother me, but it's good to mention it for those who don't like such chaos.
- Like in the second game, there is a chaos with the enemies.
Buy it YESTERDAY, what's 10 euros to experience such an adventure!!