Teaching Aid Books

Μαθηματικά Γ΄ λυκείου, Ομάδα προσανατολισμού: Θετικών σπουδών, οικονομίας και πληροφορικής

This book is intended for students of the third grade of high school in the orientation group of Positive Sciences and the orientation group of Economics and Informatics.
It contains:
- Detailed...

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This book is intended for students of the third grade of high school in the orientation group of Positive Sciences and the orientation group of Economics and Informatics.
It contains:
- Detailed theory.
- Observations on the theory, on which the answers to the questions and the solutions to the exercises are based.
- Methodology and comments for solving...

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This book is intended for students of the third grade of high school in the orientation group of Positive Sciences and the orientation group of Economics and Informatics.
It contains:
- Detailed theory.
- Observations on the theory, on which the answers to the questions and the solutions to the exercises are based.
- Methodology and comments for solving exercises.
- Solved exercises, as examples of the solution method.
- Exercises for solving.
- Topics that cover the entire spectrum of knowledge that the student must have in order to fully meet the exam requirements.
- Tests per teaching unit.

At the end of the book there are:
- The solutions to the exercises for solving in this book.
- National exam topics.


Teaching Aid Books
Educational Institute
General Education
School Class
3rd Grade
Orientation Team: Science, economics and IT
Soft Cover
Number of Pages
Publication Date
24x17 cm

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