Vitamin E: Enhances blood circulation in the body, fights arteriosclerosis, inflammation, slows down the aging process, etc.
Vitamin C: Has antioxidant properties, strengthens the immune system, connective tissues, blood vessels, skin, vision, and positive mood, etc.
Thiamine: Promotes good functioning of the nervous system, mental strength, appetite, cardiac function, digestion, wound healing, carbohydrate metabolism, cellular function, etc.
Riboflavin and Niacin: Enhance metabolism, cell function, connective tissues, cardiac function, etc.
Vitamin B6: Promotes good functioning of the immune system, red blood cells, nervous system, cardiac function, muscle strength, protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism, fights hair loss, etc.
Folic Acid: Enhances blood circulation in the body, digestive system, fights hair loss, etc.
Vitamin B12: Fights stress by providing a positive mood and vitality, promotes good functioning of the brain and nervous system, as well as the development of red blood cells and bone formation, etc.
Biotin: Protects the skin and nails, fights hair loss, promotes good functioning of the nervous system, helps in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, etc.
Pantothenic Acid: Promotes energy production and good functioning of the body, fights stress, enhances vitality and clarity, helps in reducing body fat.