A. The NATURAL, BEIGE – NTORE, COPPER – MAHOGANY – RED, BROWN – CHOCOLATE, INTENSE RED shades are mixed in a ratio of 1+1. I.e. 50 ml Beauty color +50ml Oxycreme emulsion
B. SUPER BLONDS: The super blond shades are mixed in a ratio of 1+2. E.g. 50ml Beauty color super blond + 100 ml Oxycreme emulsion. For light bases or when you do not want maximum lightening, it is recommended to use 30V (9%) oxidizing cream. Also, for very fine or damaged hair, use 30V (9%) oxidizing cream.
C. DYEING WHITE HAIR: Beauty color covers 100% of white hair. When the white hair is more than 40%, the addition of a natural shade (2-10) is required as follows: i) from 40-60% white hair: mix the desired color with a natural shade in the ratio: 2 parts Beauty color shade of choice + 1 part natural shade. E.g. Beauty color 50ml Nr. 6.60 +25ml Nr. 6 (natural shade).
2. APPLICATION: Use the dye mixture immediately after mixing.
Protect your eyes. Protect your clothing. Use only the recommended ratios. During the waiting time, the mixture in the shaker or bowl changes color. Do not worry. There is no consequence to the dye result.
2.1. FULL APPLICATION: In the same or darker tone: Apply the dye mixture evenly from root to tip, dividing the hair into sections. Waiting time: 30-40 minutes.
2.2 FULL APPLICATION: In a lighter tone or lightening: Step 1: Start about 2 tones from the root and apply the dye to the lengths and ends of the hair. Waiting time for all shades: 20 minutes. For Super Blonds & Supreme Reds: 30 minutes. Step 2: Immediately after, apply the dye to the roots. Additional waiting time: For all shades: 30-40 minutes. For Super Blonds & Supreme Reds: 50 minutes. To make the color brighter, use Oxycreme of higher degrees on the lengths and ends than what is used on the roots.
2.3. ROOT DYEING: Apply the dye mixture to the root. Start from the areas where there is more white hair. For better coverage, apply enough product to the root. Waiting time: 30-40 minutes. The hairline, because it has sensitive hair (fine strands), should be done last. If it is a lightening dye, start where more lightening is needed. In the case of lightening, apply a larger amount than with other dyes. Waiting time for Super Blonds: 50 minutes.
2.4. Uniform color from roots to ends of hair:
a) If the color on the lengths and ends shows slight fading, spray the hair with a little water and apply the remaining mixture to the lengths and ends 5 minutes before the end of the waiting time.
b) If the color on the lengths and ends shows moderate fading, apply the remaining mixture after 20 minutes of waiting time and leave for 10-20 minutes.
c) If the color on the lengths and ends shows moderate fading, apply to the roots and then immediately to the lengths and ends. Waiting time see root dyeing
d) If the ends of the hair are very damaged and tend to "reject" the color, apply the desired shade to the roots and then add 5ml of lukewarm water and 2.5gr of a warm shade (.3,.4,.5,.6) in the same tone level or one tone darker to the mixture. Apply the mixture to the lengths and ends. Massage well. Waiting time: 30-40 minutes.
2.5. APPLICATION FOR BASES-MIXTONES These are the shades that help us enhance the color of the dye, neutralize or correct unwanted shades, or correct any mistakes. The mixing ratio depends on the tone level of the base shade. The lighter the base shade, the less amount of bases mixtones we use. Starting from the dark shades (in tone 2) we use about 9g MIXTONES in 50g of dye. As the shades lighten, the amount decreases by 1/2 to 1g per shade, depending on the result we want to achieve.
3. RINSING & Care After Dyeing: Once the waiting time is complete, wear disposable gloves, lather with a little warm water very well and carefully. Rinse the hair with plenty of water until it runs clear. Then, for neutralization and color stabilization, wash with a special shampoo and then use a neutralizing care emulsion with green tea extract and silk proteins.