1. Baxi Mago Wi-Fi Smart Digital Thermostat with Wi-Fi
  2. Baxi Digital Thermostat A7790606
  3. Baxi Luna Platinum 1.12 Wall-mounted Boiler Condensation Gas with Burner 10318kcal/h
  4. Baxi Luna Platinum 1.18 Wall-mounted Boiler Condensation Gas with Burner 14531kcal/h
  5. Baxi Wall-mounted Boiler Condensation Gas with Burner 13757kcal/h
  6. Baxi Digital Thermostat A7826353
  7. Baxi Acquaprojet + 14i Blue GL Wall Mounted LPG Instant Water Heater for Central Installation 24kW
  8. Baxi Acquaprojet + 11i Blue GL Wall Mounted LPG Instant Water Heater for Central Installation 19kW
  9. Baxi Acquaprojet + 11Fi Blue GL Wall Mounted LPG Instant Water Heater for Central Installation 19kW
  10. Baxi Acquaprojet + 14i Blue Wall Mounted Natural Gas Instant Water Heater for Central Installation 24kW
  11. Baxi 7104336 Digital Thermostat
  12. Baxi TAD02B0001BX Digital Thermostat 112881
  13. Baxi Universal Air Conditioner Remote Control
  14. Baxi Duo-tec Digital Thermostat
  15. Baxi Acquaprojet + 11i Blue Wall Mounted Natural Gas Instant Water Heater for Central Installation 19kW
  16. Baxi Acquaprojet + 11Fi Blue Wall Mounted Natural Gas Instant Water Heater for Central Installation 19kW
  17. Baxi Acquaprojet + 14Fi Blue GL Wall Mounted LPG Instant Water Heater for Central Installation 24kW
  18. Baxi Acquaprojet + 14Fi Blue Wall Mounted Natural Gas Instant Water Heater for Central Installation 24kW
  19. Baxi Acquaprojet + 17Fi AM Blue Air GL Wall Mounted LPG Instant Water Heater for Central Installation 29.6kW
  20. Baxi Acquaprojet + 17Fi AM Blue Air Wall Mounted LPG Instant Water Heater for Central Installation 29.6kW