1. Lyapko Applicators Needle Ball Ball Massage Acupressure for the Body
  2. Pad Big 7.0mm - 48.0x27.5cm (Pad Big 7.0mm)
  3. Lyapko insoles No 40-43 with shoe (Insole 5mm)
  4. Lyapko Face roller M3.5mm (Facial M roller 3.5mm)
  5. MAX 6.2mm Mattress - 56.0x29.0cm (Pad Max 6.2mm)
  6. Lyapko Applicators Mat Massage for the Body
  7. Lyapko Applicators Mat Massage for the Body
  8. Lyapko roller Big M5mm (Big M roller 5mm)
  9. Lyapko Applicators Mat Massage for the Body