1. 8Bitdo Arcade Stick Joystick Wireless Compatible with Switch
    It is very good, that's why 5 stars.

    12 members found this review helpful



  2. Mayflash Arcade Fight stick F500v2 Compatible with Android / PS3 / PS4 / Switch / Xbox One
  3. Hori Fighting Stick Mini Joystick Wired Compatible with Switch
  4. Snakebyte Joystick Wired Compatible with Switch / PC
  5. Pc Pro Throttle Controller
  6. Dobe 7 in 1 Mini Arcade Fighting Stick Joystick Wired Compatible with Android / PC / PS3 / Switch / Xbox One
  7. Mayflash F300 Elite Joystick Wired Compatible with Android / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Switch / Xbox One
  8. Mad Catz T.e.3 Joystick Wired Compatible with PC / PS4 / Switch / Xbox One / Xbox Series X/S
  9. iPega PG-9136 Gladiator Mini Arcade Joystick Compatible with Switch
  10. Mayflash Arcade Fightstick Joystick F300 Compatible with PS4 / PC / PS3 / Switch / Xbox One
  11. Joystick Wired Compatible with Switch
  12. Subsonic Joystick Wired Compatible with PS4 / PS3 / PC / Switch / Xbox Series X/S / Xbox One