1. Sax Hand Stapler with Staple Ability 15 Sheets
  2. Novus Hand Stapler with Staple Ability 15 Sheets
  3. Hand Stapler with Staple Ability 15 Sheets
  4. Hand Stapler with Staple Ability 15 Sheets
  5. Ariston Hand Stapler with Staple Ability 15 Sheets
  6. Maped Ergologic Hand Stapler with Staple Ability 15 Sheets
  7. ErichKrause Hand Stapler with Staple Ability 15 Sheets
  8. ErichKrause Ergoline Hand Stapler with Staple Ability 15 Sheets
  9. Stapling Capacity Up To Hand Stapler with Staple Ability 15 Sheets
  10. Deli Hand Stapler with Staple Ability 15 Sheets MAT.DELI.231.
  11. Leitz 5547 Hand Stapler with Staple Ability 15 Sheets
  12. Kangaro Hand Stapler with Staple Ability 15 Sheets
  13. Kangaro Staple Remover with Staple Ability 15 Sheets
  14. Eagle Punch Eagle 706 Black 16-sheet Eagle Punch