1. True Crime Puzzle Book
  2. Fred Basset Yearbook 2025
  3. Vive Le Chaos
  4. Little Book of Cults
  5. Vagabond
  6. Volunteers
  7. Little Book of Conspiracy Theories
  8. Seaside Practice
  9. You're Not Old You're Vintage (Hardcover)
  10. Little Book of Karma
  11. I Love You (Hardcover)
  12. Spirituality for Every Day (Hardcover)
  13. You Are So Awesome (Hardcover)
  14. Cosmic Cocktails
  15. Positivity for Every Day (Hardcover)
  16. Release Your Inner Lioness (Hardcover)
  17. Little Book of Beards
  18. My Other And Maple Self
  19. Rude Games
  20. Little Book of Drinking Games
  21. Intruders
  22. So You Think You Know What's Good for You?
  23. 365 Days of Calm (Hardcover)
  24. Resilience for Every Day (Hardcover)
  25. Wolves of Nifelheim
  26. 52 Things to Do While You Poo (Hardcover)
  27. Enchanted Islands (Hardcover)
  28. The Dark Side of the Mind
  29. All You Need Is Rest (Hardcover)
  30. Conspiracy Theories
  31. Little Book of Kama Sutra
  32. Little Book of Senior Moments (Hardcover)
  33. 52 Things to Learn on the Loo (Hardcover)
  34. Little Bit of Rugby Wit (Hardcover)
  35. Do What Makes Your Soul Shine (Hardcover)
  36. Canoeing the Congo
  37. Set Free
  38. Your Pace Or Mine?
  39. Girl's Guide to Being Awesome
  40. She Believed She Could So She Did
  41. Minimalista (Hardcover)
  42. Mermaid Cookbook
  43. Inspiration (Hardcover)
  44. She Believed She Could So She Did (Hardcover)
  45. How to Survive University
  46. Happiness (Hardcover)
  47. What Is Your cat Really Thinking? (Hardcover)
  48. Instagran (Hardcover)